Convert unsigned int to signed int through google BigQuery

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-23 23:05:54


I tried to run a query on google BigQuery api and got an exception as follows:

"Argument type mismatch in function IF: 'distinctPlayers' is type 'TYPE_UINT64', '0' is type 'TYPE_INT32'."

The query is too big so I wrote only part of it where it fails.

QUERY : sum(if(action_type == 3, distinctPlayers, 0)) as Game_Viral_Acceptor_Count

What I understood is:

if condition is true 
then set distinctPlayers of type unsigned int64 
otherwise set 0 which is of type int32

Can anyone throw some light on how to convert unsigned int64 to signed int through BigQuery.

Thanks in advance, Omkar


To answer your question, the way you cast to signed int is via the INTEGER function. So you should be able to successfully run

... SUM(IF(action_type == 3, INTEGER(distinctPlayers), 0)) AS ...

However, the message you're seeing actually points to a bug in BigQuery -- I'm filing the bug internally right now.

