
How to generate a random number in solidity?

|▌冷眼眸甩不掉的悲伤 提交于 2020-07-16 04:36:30
问题 I have a couple of keccaks, which could be reduced to one, if I would find a cheap way to get parts of the created uint. pragma solidity ^0.4.19; contract test { function test() { } function sup() returns (uint test) { uint _test = uint(keccak256("wow")); return _test; } } This returns me a sweet random number: 13483274892375982735325 Now the plan is that instead of calling keccak 5 times with different "seeds", I could take that number apart and get something like: 1348, 3274, 8923 etc.

Difference between uint and unsigned int?

陌路散爱 提交于 2020-05-24 14:30:33
问题 Is there any difference between uint and unsigned int ? I'm looking in the site, but all question refers to C# or C++. I'd like to have an answer concerning the C language. If it is relevant, note that I'm using GCC under Linux. 回答1: uint isn't a standard type - unsigned int is. 回答2: Some systems may define uint as a typedef. typedef unsigned int uint; For these systems they are same. But uint is not a standard type, so every system may not support it and thus it is not portable. 回答3: I am

Input process and type for static uint8_t array

℡╲_俬逩灬. 提交于 2020-01-04 03:25:34
问题 I am currently trying to convert an integer variable to the value of a static uint8_t array in the Arduino IDE. I am using: #include <U8x8lib.h> And I do understand that uint8_t acts similarly to the byte type. Currently, the array has a set value: static uint8_t hello[] = "world"; From my perspective, "world" looks like a string, so I thought I would start with creating a string variable: String world = "world"; static uint8_t hello[] = world; This did not work and gave me the error:

Not sure where my code is going wrong when using improfile in MATLAB

半腔热情 提交于 2019-12-25 04:42:10
问题 I am currently working on code which takes a stack of images and calculates the intensity profiles of these stacks to compare them with another stack of images. Here's my code: for i = 1:c_frames d_Img(:,:) = d_I(i,:,:); c_Img(:,:) = c_I(i,:,:); c_d = improfile(d_Img); c_c = improfile(c_Img); end These are the set of errors (all pertaining to one error of course) that I get: When I whos d_I and c_I, this is what I get: So what exactly does the error mean, I tried to look into the

Not sure where my code is going wrong when using improfile in MATLAB

你说的曾经没有我的故事 提交于 2019-12-25 04:42:03
问题 I am currently working on code which takes a stack of images and calculates the intensity profiles of these stacks to compare them with another stack of images. Here's my code: for i = 1:c_frames d_Img(:,:) = d_I(i,:,:); c_Img(:,:) = c_I(i,:,:); c_d = improfile(d_Img); c_c = improfile(c_Img); end These are the set of errors (all pertaining to one error of course) that I get: When I whos d_I and c_I, this is what I get: So what exactly does the error mean, I tried to look into the

Swift - UInt behaviour

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-24 16:07:27
问题 Using my 64 bit Mac (Macbook Pro 2009), this code in Xcode playground is acting weird: let var1 = UInt32.max // 4,294,967,295 let var2 = UInt64.max // -1 --> why? var var3: UInt = UInt.max // -1 --> why? var3 = -1 // generates an error. setting var3 to -1 should generate an error. But in the declaration line, it became equal to -1 . 回答1: Apparently this is just a bug in swift playground and according to @Anton, printing the variables shows the correct value. 来源: https://stackoverflow.com

Chisel UInt negative value error

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-24 11:15:28
问题 I have recently started work in scala, and am required to create an implementation of MD5. It is my understanding that MD5 requires unsigned types, which scala does not come with. As I will soon begin Chisel, which does have unsigned types, I decided to implement its library. Everything appears good so far, except when doing the below bitwise operations, my F value becomes -271733879, which causes an error "Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: requirement failed: UInt literal

Convert unsigned int to signed int through google BigQuery

只愿长相守 提交于 2019-12-23 23:05:54
问题 I tried to run a query on google BigQuery api and got an exception as follows: "Argument type mismatch in function IF: 'distinctPlayers' is type 'TYPE_UINT64', '0' is type 'TYPE_INT32'." The query is too big so I wrote only part of it where it fails. QUERY : sum(if(action_type == 3, distinctPlayers, 0)) as Game_Viral_Acceptor_Count What I understood is: if condition is true then set distinctPlayers of type unsigned int64 otherwise set 0 which is of type int32 Can anyone throw some light on

Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow in unsafe C#

馋奶兔 提交于 2019-12-21 18:05:35
问题 Background We've been using some code copied verbatim from Joe Duffy's "Concurrent Programming on Windows" (page 149) in production for over a year. The code (below) is used in our Asp.Net web application to probe if there's enough stack space. Our site allows users to script out their own web pages and control logic in a simple proprietry scripting language - it's possible for a user to script something nasty and cause a stackoverflow exception, so we use Duffy's code example to stop

Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow in unsafe C#

孤街浪徒 提交于 2019-12-21 18:03:06
问题 Background We've been using some code copied verbatim from Joe Duffy's "Concurrent Programming on Windows" (page 149) in production for over a year. The code (below) is used in our Asp.Net web application to probe if there's enough stack space. Our site allows users to script out their own web pages and control logic in a simple proprietry scripting language - it's possible for a user to script something nasty and cause a stackoverflow exception, so we use Duffy's code example to stop