I have the following code in an rmd
file which leverages tikz
for diagrams:
title: "TestNonTufteLua"
author: "Me"
pdf_document :
latex_engine: lualatex
Prove tikz works:
```{r tikTest1, engine = "tikz"}
\node[ellipse, draw=black, align = center] (Data) {Data $y_{n}$};
Then, when you set `eval = TRUE` in the below code, it will not work.
```{r tikTest2, eval = FALSE, engine = "tikz"}
\usetikzlibrary{graphs, graphdrawing}
\tikz [gr/.style={gray!50}, font=\bfseries]
\graph [layered layout] {
% A and F are horizontally aligned if you also set weight=0.5 for A -- C.
A -- [minimum layers=2] C -- F,
{ [nodes=gr, edges=gr] A -- B -- { E, D -- F } }
When changing to eval=TRUE
in the second chunk, I get the following
Quitting from lines 24-29 (testNonTufteLua.Rmd) Error: running 'texi2dvi' on '.\tikz36747a021b22.tex' failed
LaTeX errors: rarygraphdrawing.code.tex:22: Package pgf Error: You need to run LuaTeX to use the graph drawing library.
This error occurs when using the knit
button from RStudio or using render("testNonTufteLua.Rmd", output_format = pdf_document(keep_tex = TRUE, latex_engine = "lualatex")
. I have also experimented with setting options(tikzDefaultEngine = "luatex")
to get tikzDevice
to handle it properly, but it still does not work. I just can't seem to get the graphdrawing
library to work even though the tikz-shapes
library can be loaded and also that the rest of the document seems to be compiled with lualatex
. Thanks for any help!!
Update: Meanwhile knitr
no longer uses tools::texi2dvi
but tinytex::latexmk
. One therefore has to use options(tinytex.engine = 'lualatex')
in a set-up chunk.
This is rather tricky, since you are not using tikzDevice
but the tikz
engine, which uses tools::texi2dvi
to convert to PDF. You can change this using options(texi2dvi = "lualatex")
. However, the default template does not work with LuaLaTeX. I have therefore created a modified template:
And specify that file with engine.opts = list(template = "tikz2pdf.tex")
. Putting it all together here my working file:
title: "TestNonTufteLua"
author: "Me"
pdf_document :
latex_engine: lualatex
options(texi2dvi = "lualatex")
```{r tikTest2, eval = TRUE, engine = "tikz", engine.opts = list(template = "tikz2pdf.tex")}
\usetikzlibrary{graphs, graphdrawing}
\tikz [gr/.style={gray!50}, font=\bfseries]
\graph [layered layout] {
% A and F are horizontally aligned if you also set weight=0.5 for A -- C.
A -- [minimum layers=2] C -- F,
{ [nodes=gr, edges=gr] A -- B -- { E, D -- F } }
- how to set engine options
- preview and LuaLaTeX
- knitr using texi2pdf