I have an object with such values as
%{"Friday" => [], "Monday" => [], "Saturday" => [], "Sunday" => ["3:0-4:0", "6:0-7:0"], "Thursday" => [], "Tuesday" => [], "Wednesday" => []}
I wanted to show it in my email template's view, i just stated as
<p>Schedule: <%= @schedule %></p>
I got this error on it
** (Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol Phoenix.HTML.Safe not implemented for %{"Friday" => [], "Monday" => [], "Saturday" => [], "Sunday" => ["3:0-4:0", "6:0-7:0"], "Thursday" => [], "Tuesday" => [], "Wednesday" => []}
What will be the best way to show it in HTML?
You cannot directly output a Map like that; only things that implement the Phoenix.HTML.Safe
protocol. If you want to print what iex
would print (which is Elixir syntax if possible), you can explicitly call inspect
to convert the Map into a String, and then output that:
<p>Schedule: <%= inspect @schedule %></p>
If you want to print it in a different way, you can use for
<%= for {key, value} <- @schedule do %>
...use key and value variables here...
<% end %>