I'm a huge user of emacs and I absolutly love the fact that you can do EVERYTHING without using the mouse. I thing that feature make emacs really efficient.
I'm also a big fan of Sublime Text on Linux. I like the multiple cursor feature that you enable with Ctrl+left_mouse_clik
. I also found that you can click Shift+alt+arrow_up_or_down
which create a new cursor on the above or below line. So I was wondering if there was a way in sublime text to create multiple cursor wherever you want without using the mouse.
One possible solution is to use bookmarks (if you aren't already). I don't know the Linux key bindings off the top of my head, but you can add bookmarks, then select all. To view the bindings for your platform, go to Goto -> Bookmarks
, they should be listed by the command. You can also take a look at the default key binding file.
A second solution is to use a plugin. I wrote the following a while ago. Can't really say if/how well it works, as I can't remember. A quick test with it leads me to believe it works okay.
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
class MultiCursorCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit, action="add"):
self.key = "multi_cursor"
cursors = self.view.sel()
saved_cursors = self.view.get_regions(self.key)
if action == "add":
self.view.add_regions(self.key, list(cursors) + saved_cursors, "keyword", "", sublime.DRAW_EMPTY)
elif action == "show":
self.view.add_regions(self.key, [])
elif action == "show_begin":
saved_cursors += list(cursors)
cursors.add_all([c.begin() for c in saved_cursors])
self.view.add_regions(self.key, [])
elif action == "show_end":
saved_cursors += list(cursors)
cursors.add_all([c.end() for c in saved_cursors])
self.view.add_regions(self.key, [])
elif action == "show_visible":
elif action == "clear":
self.view.add_regions(self.key, [])
elif action == "remove":
for cursor in cursors:
if cursor in saved_cursors:
self.view.add_regions(self.key, saved_cursors, "keyword", "", sublime.DRAW_EMPTY)
class RemoveCursorCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def is_enabled(self):
return len(self.view.sel()) > 1
def run(self, edit, forward=True):
self.view.sel().subtract(self.view.sel()[0 if forward else -1])
Key bindings will look something like
{ "keys": ["alt+a"], "command": "multi_cursor", "args": {"action": "add"} },
{ "keys": ["alt+s"], "command": "multi_cursor", "args": {"action": "show"} }
There are probably plugins that people have written that are on package control that do the same thing, I'm just not aware of them.
I think PowerCursors is what you're looking for