Is it possible to access a Kotlin typealias from Java?

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2019-12-23 06:59:21


Suppose I have a Kotlin 1.1 typealias for a Kotlin function type like this

typealias Consumer<T> = (T) -> Unit

I can access this from Java as

import kotlin.Unit;
import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1;

Function1<? super T, Unit> action = ...

Is it somehow possible to access the Kotlin Function1 interface from Java under its Kotlin typealias name (i.e., Consumer)?


From the KEEP proposal for type aliases:

NB Java has no concept of "type aliases" and can't see them in class member signatures.

So no, you can't use typealiases from Java, you'll just see the actual types of any parameter or variable that has a typealias'd type in Kotlin.

