using nHibernate with multi DB instances with DI

筅森魡賤 提交于 2019-12-23 05:16:30


So I have multi db instances and One web application. depending on the url name, I know what db instance I need to talk to. I want to change the old ugly DAL to work with nhibernate and I want to use DI to do that. so, let say I have this class:

class CompanyDal(ISession session) //nhibernate session
    Save(ICompany company)

so I am injecting the hibernate session when creating the DAL object. but my IOC needs to know which session to inject, meaning which connection string. If I have only one singleton factory I will get the wrong session for different urls (different db)

I hope I explained it so you all can understand. thank you


Assuming all the databases have the same schema, you can dynamically switch the connection using a custom DriverConnectionProvider. In the code below I am loading the connection strings from web.config into a dictionary, then retrieving them using a "tenant" route value from the URL.

public class TenantConnectionProvider : DriverConnectionProvider
    private IDictionary<string, string> _tenantConnectionStrings;

    public override void Configure(IDictionary<string, string> settings)
        // Load connection strings from config file
        _tenantConnectionStrings = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
        foreach (ConnectionStringSettings connectionStringSetting in ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings)
            _tenantConnectionStrings.Add(connectionStringSetting.Name, connectionStringSetting.ConnectionString);


    public override IDbConnection GetConnection()
        var connectionString = GetConnectionString(); //not shown, mine is for Web API
        var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
        return connection;

I then configure this using Fluent NHibernate:

// connection string has to be set even though custom provider is used
var config = Fluently.Configure()
    .Mappings(m =>


You will have to have 2 SessionFactories (1 per db) and register a named session for each one.

I've experience only with Autofac (other IoC should work the same)


An enum instead of string can be used.

Given that the session is dependent on the url in some way (and IoC integration is used), the only easy way that I see is with an activation handler:

.Register<IRepository>().OnActivating(e => {
var db = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url....//some code to find the db
var dep = e.Context.Resolve<ISession>("f1");

or property injection

