回答: 正在进行的一个过程或者说一个任务,而 这个过程就叫做进程。
1.1 进程与程序的区别:
回答: 程序仅仅是一堆代码而已,而进程指的是程序的运行过程。
回答:无论是并行还是并发,在用户看来都是 同时 运行的, 不管是进程还是线程,都只是一个任务而已,真实干活的是cpu,cpu来做这些任务,而一个cpu同一时刻只能运行一个任务。
2.1: 并发什么意思:
2.2: 并行什么意思:
3.同步 与 异步
一、python 并发编辑之多进程
1.1multiprocessing 模块介绍
python 中的多线程无法利用多核优势,如果想要充分地使用多核cpu的资源(os.cpu_count()查看),在python中大部分情况需要使用多进程。python提供了非常好用的多进程包,这个包是: multiprocessing.
multiprocessing模块的功能众多:如 支持子进程、通信和共享数据、执行不同形式的同步,提供了Process、Queue、Pipe、Lock等组件。
1.2 Process 类的介绍:
Process ([group [, target [, name [, args [ , kwargs]]]]) ,由该类实例化得到的对象,表示一个子进程中的任务(尚未启动) 强调: 1.需要使用关键字的方式来指定参数 2.args指定的为传给target函数的位置参数,是一个元组形式,必须有逗号。
1。group:参数未使用,值始终为None 2. target:表示调用对象,即 子进程要执行的任务 3. args : 表示调用对象的位置传参数元组, args = (1,2,“aray”,) 4. kwargs:表示调用对象的字典,kwargs = {’name':'aray','age':18} 5.name : 为子进程的名称
1 p.start():启动进程,并调用该子进程中的p.run() 2 p.run():进程启动时运行的方法,正是它去调用target指定的函数,我们自定义类的类中一定要实现该方法 3 p.terminate():强制终止进程p,不会进行任何清理操作,如果p创建了子进程,该子进程就成了僵尸进程,使用该方法需要特别小心这种情况。如果p还保存了一个锁那么也将不会被释放,进而导致死锁 4 p.is_alive():如果p仍然运行,返回True 5 p.join([timeout]):主线程等待p终止(强调:是主线程处于等的状态,而p是处于运行的状态)。timeout是可选的超时时间,需要强调的是,p.join只能join住start开启的进程,而不能join住run开启的进程
1 p.daemon:默认值为False,如果设为True,代表p为后台运行的守护进程,当p的父进程终止时,p也随之终止,并且设定为True后,p不能创建自己的新进程,必须在p.start()之前设置 2 p.name:进程的名称 3 p.pid:进程的pid 4 p.exitcode:进程在运行时为None、如果为–N,表示被信号N结束(了解即可) 5 p.authkey:进程的身份验证键,默认是由os.urandom()随机生成的32字符的字符串。这个键的用途是为涉及网络连接的底层进程间通信提供安全性,这类连接只有在具有相同的身份验证键时才能成功(了解即可)
1.3 Process 类的使用
注意:在windows中Process()必须放到# if __name__ == '__main__':下
Since Windows has no fork, the multiprocessing module starts a new Python process and imports the calling module.
If Process() gets called upon import, then this sets off an infinite succession of new processes (or until your machine runs out of resources).
This is the reason for hiding calls to Process() inside
if __name__ == "__main__"
since statements inside this if-statement will not get called upon import.
这是隐藏对Process()内部调用的原,使用if __name__ == “__main __”,这个if语句中的语句将不会在导入时被调用。
方法一: import time import random from multiprocessing import Process def piao(name): print('%s playing' %name) time.sleep(random.randint(1,3)) print('%s playing end'%name) if __name__ == '__main__': p1 = Process(target=piao,args = ('aray',)) #必须加逗号 p2 = Process(target=piao,args = ('zxc',)) p3 = Process(target=piao,args = ('asd',)) p4 = Process(target=piao,args = ('qwe',)) p1.start() p2.start() p3.start() p4.start() print('主线程') 输出结果“ 主线程 aray playing zxc playing asd playing qwe playing aray playing end qwe playing end zxc playing end asd playing end 方法二: import time import random from multiprocessing import Process class Piao(Process): def __init__(self,name): super().__init__() self.name = name def run(self): print('%s playing'%self.name) time.sleep((random.randint(1,3))) print('%s playing end'%self.name) if __name__ == '__main__': p1=Piao('aray') p2=Piao('zxc') p3=Piao('asd') p4=Piao('qwe') p1.start() p2.start() p3.start() p4.start() print('主进程') 输出结果: 主进程 aray playing zxc playing asd playing qwe playing zxc playing end aray playing end asd playing end qwe playing end
练习:把 socket 通信编程并发的形式。
服务端: from socket import * from multiprocessing import Process server = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM) server.setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET,SO_REUSEADDR,1) server.bind(('',8080)) server.listen(5) print('ready go') def talk(conn,addr): while True: try: msg = conn.recv(1024) if not msg: break conn.send(msg.upper()) print('from client msg:%s'%msg) except Exception: break if __name__ == '__main__': while True: conn,client_addr =server.accept() p = Process(target=talk, args=(conn,client_addr)) p.start() 客户端: from socket import * client = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM) client.connect(('',8080)) while True: msg = input('>>:').strip() client.send(msg.encode('utf-8')) msg = client.recv(1024) print('from server %s'%msg.decode('utf-8'))
part2: Process对象的其他方法或属性
from multiprocessing import Process import time import random class Play(Process): def __init__(self,name): self.name = name super().__init__() def run(self): print('%s is playing ' %self.name) time.sleep(random.randint(1,3)) print('%s play end'%self.name) if __name__ == '__main__': p1 = Play('aray') p1.start() p1.terminate() #关闭进程,不会立即关闭,所以is_alive立刻查看的结果可能还是存活 print(p1.is_alive()) print('开始') time.sleep(3) print(p1.is_alive()) 输出结果: True 开始 False
#进程对象的其他方法2: p,daemon = True,p.join from multiprocessing import Process import time import random class Play(Process): def __init__(self,name): # self.name =name super().__init__()#Process的__init__方法会执行self.name=Piao-1,所以加到这里,会覆盖我们的self.name=name self.name = name #为我们开启的进程设置名字的做法 def run(self): print('%s is playing '%self.name) time.sleep(random.randint(1,3)) print('%s is paly end'%self.name) if __name__ == '__main__': p = Play('aray') p.daemon =True #一定要在p.start()前设置,设置p为守护进程,禁止p创建子进程,并且父进程死,p跟着一起死 p.start() p.join(1) #等待p停止,等1秒就不再等了 print('开始') print(p.pid) #查看pid 输出结果: aray is playing 开始 20892
1.互斥锁 也 称 同步锁:Lock()
一:没加锁之前 import os import time from multiprocessing import Process def work(): print('task[%s] is running '%os.getpid()) time.sleep(3) print('task[%s] is done'%os.getpid()) if __name__ == '__main__': p1 = Process(target=work,) p2 = Process(target=work,) p3 = Process(target=work,) p1.start() p2.start() p3.start() print('主公') 输出结果: 主公 task[13768] is running task[22400] is running task[21128] is running task[13768] is done task[22400] is done task[21128] is done Process finished with exit code 0 二、加锁之后 import os import time from multiprocessing import Process,Lock def work(mutex): mutex.acquire() print('task[%s] is running '%os.getpid()) time.sleep(3) print('task[%s] is done'%os.getpid()) mutex.release() if __name__ == '__main__': mutex=Lock() p1 = Process(target=work,args=(mutex,)) p2 = Process(target=work,args=(mutex,)) p3 = Process(target=work,args=(mutex,)) p1.start() p2.start() p3.start() print('主公') 输出结果: 主公 task[6700] is running task[6700] is done task[21140] is running task[21140] is done task[14584] is running task[14584] is done Process finished with exit code 0
import os import time from multiprocessing import Process def work(): print('task[%s] is running '%os.getpid()) # time.sleep(1) print('task[%s] is done'%os.getpid()) if __name__ == '__main__': p1 = Process(target=work) p2 = Process(target=work) p3 = Process(target=work) p1.daemon = True #守护进程 p2.daemon = True #守护进程 p3.daemon = True #守护进程 p1.start() p2.start() p3.start() # time.sleep(2) print('主') 输出结果: 主
import os import time from multiprocessing import Process,Lock def work(mutex): mutex.acquire() print('task[%s] 洗衣服 '%os.getpid()) time.sleep(3) print('task[%s] 晒衣服'%os.getpid()) mutex.release() def work2(mutex): mutex.acquire() print('task[%s] 煮饭 '%os.getpid()) time.sleep(3) print('task[%s] 炒菜'%os.getpid()) mutex.release() def work3(mutex): mutex.acquire() print('task[%s] 下电影 '%os.getpid()) time.sleep(3) print('task[%s] 看电影'%os.getpid()) mutex.release() if __name__ == '__main__': mutex=Lock() p1 = Process(target=work,args=(mutex,)) p2 = Process(target=work2,args=(mutex,)) p3 = Process(target=work3,args=(mutex,)) p1.start() p2.start() p3.start() # p1,p2,p3.join() p1.join() p2.join() p3.join() print('主') 输出结果: task[22592] 洗衣服 task[22592] 晒衣服 task[17328] 煮饭 task[17328] 炒菜 task[23072] 下电影 task[23072] 看电影 主 Process finished with exit code 0
import os import time from multiprocessing import Process,Lock def work(mutex): mutex.acquire() print('task[%s] is running '%os.getpid()) time.sleep(3) print('task[%s] is done'%os.getpid()) mutex.release() if __name__ == '__main__': mutex=Lock() p1 = Process(target=work,args=(mutex,)) # p2 = Process(target=work,args=(mutex,)) # p3 = Process(target=work,args=(mutex,)) p1.start() # p2.start() # p3.start() p1.terminate() time.sleep(3) print(p1.is_alive()) print(p1.name) print(p1.pid) 输出结果: False Process-1 22888 Process finished with exit code 0
from multiprocessing import Process,Queue q = Queue(4) #设置 4 个进程 q.put('first',) q.put('second',) q.put('third',) q.put('fourth',block=True) #block 默认为True。如果队列不足4就在那等待。 print(q.get()) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) print(q.get()) 输出结果: first second third fourth Process finished with exit code 0
import json import os import random from multiprocessing import Process,Lock #查询票数 def search(): dic = json.load(open('db.txt')) #打开文件 并且 序列化 print('剩余票数:%s '%dic['count']) #购票 def get_ticket(): dic = json.load(open('db.txt')) if dic['count'] > 0: dic['count'] -=1 time.sleep(random.randint(1,3)) json.dump(dic,open('db.txt','w')) print('购买成功: %s'%os.getpid()) #运行调用 def task(mutex): search() mutex.acquire() get_ticket() mutex.release() if __name__ == '__ main __': mutex = Lock() for i in range(5): p = Process(target = task , args = (mutex,)) p.start() 输出结果: (这里 db.txt 里面的 count 值为 1.就一张票) 剩余票数:1 剩余票数:1 剩余票数:1 剩余票数:1 剩余票数:1 购买成功:13176 Process finished with exit code 0
import os import random import time from multiprocessing import Process,JoinableQueue def producer_bun(q): #生产包子 for i in range(5): time.sleep(2) #睡2s 让它能有时间响应 res = ' 包子 %s' %i q.put(res) print('%s 制造了 %s' %(os.getpid(),res)) q.join() def producer_sticks(q): #生产油条 for i in range(5): time.sleep(2): res = '油条 %s' % i q.put(res) print('%s 制造了 %s',%(os.getpid(),res)) q.join() def consumer(q): #消费者 while True: res = q.get() time.sleep(random.randint(1,3)) print('%s 吃了 %s'%(os.getpid(),res)) q.task_done() if __name__ == '__main__': q= JoinableQueue() p1 = Process(target = prodcuer_bun, args = (q,)) #生产者1 p2 = Process(target = producer_sticks,args = (q,)) #生产者2 p3 = Process(target = consumer, args = (q,)) #消费者1 p4 = Process(target = consumer, args = (q,)) #消费者2 p3.daemon = True #守护进程 p4.daemon = True #守护进程 p_l = [p1,p2,p3,p4] for p in p_l: p.start() p1.join() p2.join() print('主') 输出结果: 3392 制造了 包子0 20628 制造了 油条0 8180 吃了 包子0 15756 吃了 油条0 3392 制造了 包子1 20628 制造了 油条1 15756 吃了 油条1 3392 制造了 包子2 20628 制造了 油条2 8180 吃了 包子1 15756 吃了 包子2 3392 制造了 包子3 20628 制造了 油条3 8180 吃了 油条2 3392 制造了 包子4 8180 吃了 油条3 20628 制造了 油条4 15756 吃了 包子3 15756 吃了 油条4 8180 吃了 包子4 主 Process finished with exit code 0
#继承调用: import time import random from multiprocessing import Process class Piao(Process): def __init__(self,name): super().__init__() self.name = name def run(self): print('%s playing'%self.name) time.sleep((random.randint(1,3))) print('%s playing end'%self.name) if __name__ == '__main__': p1=Piao('aray') p2=Piao('zxc') p3=Piao('asd') p4=Piao('qwe') p1.start() p2.start() p3.start() p4.start() print('主进程') 输出结果: 主线程 aray playing zxc playing asd playing qwe playing aray playing end asd playing end qwe playing end zxc playing end Process finished with exit code 0 直接调用: import time import random from multiprocessing import Process def piao(name): print('%s playing' %name) time.sleep(random.randint(1,3)) print('%s playing end'%name) if __name__ == '__main__': p1 = Process(target=piao,args = ('aray',)) #必须加逗号 p2 = Process(target=piao,args = ('zxc',)) p3 = Process(target=piao,args = ('asd',)) p4 = Process(target=piao,args = ('qwe',)) p1.start() p2.start() p3.start() p4.start() print('主线程') 输出结果: 主线程 aray playing zxc playing asd playing qwe playing aray playing end asd playing end qwe playing end zxc playing end Process finished with exit code 0
from multiprocessing import Pool import requests import os def get_page(url): print('%s get %s'%(os.getpid(),url)) response = requests.get(url) return {'url':url,'text':response.text} def parse_page(res): print('%s parse %s'%(os.getpid(),res['url'])) with open('db.txt','a') as f: parse_res = 'url : %s size: %s \n ' %(res['url'],len(res['text'])) f.write(parse_res) if __name__ == '__main__': p = Pool(4) urls = [ 'https://www.baidu.com', 'http://www.openstack.org', 'https://www.python.org', 'https://help.github.com/', 'http://www.sina.com.cn/' ] for url in urls: p.apply_async(get_page,args=(url,),callback=parse_page) #callback 回调函数 p.close() p.join() print('主',os.getpid())