Making a class that takes instructions (steps) from a data source and automates few HC (http://hc.apache.org Apache Http Client) actions.
Want to be able to carry out HTTP post, get and direct (like sending a JSON or XML/ soap message to a web server) calls.
Confused about when to use BasicHttpEntityEnclosingRequest vs BasicHttpReques what is the enclosing? Right now I have steps to init the context, provide param values, the URL, method etc when i want to submit this is what I'm doing:
HttpPost httpost = null;//todo correct method
//HttpEntity resp = this.httpclient.e
HttpEntityEnclosingRequest reqEntity1 = null;//use this
HttpRequest reqEntity = new BasicHttpRequest(method, urls, httpVer );//or this?
URL url = new URL(urls);
String hostNm = url.getHost();
int port = url.getPort();
String sche = url.getProtocol();
logger.info("scheme/ proto :" + sche);
HttpHost httpHost = new HttpHost (hostNm, port, sche);
response = this.httpclient.execute(httpHost, reqEntity, localContext);
Question : use one or the other or have another attribute for enclosing or regular HttpRequest?
HTTP specification clearly defines only POST
and PUT
as methods which can enclose a request content body. Whether or not it is legal for other methods such as GET
to enclose a request body is subject to debate.
HttpCore follows strict interpretation of the HTTP specification and represent regular requests as HttpRequest
which does not provide a method to set a content body. For methods such as PUT
and POST
it provides extended HttpEntityEnclosingRequest
with extra methods for request entity manipulations.