How to fire an event when mouse hover over a specific text in AvalonEdit?

喜你入骨 提交于 2019-12-22 18:32:12


I have an AvalonEdit WPF based application.

I want to define a specific behaviour when the user hovers with the mouse over a specific text in the editor, similar to tag_binding with python tkinter.

I googled around, and couldn't find any way to do this.

How can this be done?


I found something similar here

The gist seems to be that at this time (2010!) there where no direct way to do it, but the following hint was given.

There's no built-in tooltip support, but long ago I've added the TextEditor.MouseHover event which can be used to show tool tips.

Example code:

    ToolTip toolTip = new ToolTip();

    void TextEditorMouseHover(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        var pos = textEditor.GetPositionFromPoint(e.GetPosition(textEditor));
        if (pos != null) {
            toolTip.PlacementTarget = this; // required for property inheritance
            toolTip.Content = pos.ToString();
            toolTip.IsOpen = true;
            e.Handled = true;

    void TextEditorMouseHoverStopped(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
        toolTip.IsOpen = false;

