I configured my code in order to get a stream of YUV_420_888
frames from my device's camera using an imageReader
object and the rest of the well known camera2
API. Now I need to transform these frames to NV21
pixel format and call a native function which expect a frame in this format to perform certain computations. This is the code I am using inside the imagereader callback to rearrange the bytes of the frame:
ImageReader.OnImageAvailableListener readerListener = new ImageReader.OnImageAvailableListener() {
public void onImageAvailable(ImageReader mReader) {
Image image = null;
image = mReader.acquireLatestImage();
if (image == null) {
byte[] bytes = convertYUV420ToNV21(image);
private byte[] convertYUV420ToNV21(Image imgYUV420) {
byte[] rez;
ByteBuffer buffer0 = imgYUV420.getPlanes()[0].getBuffer();
ByteBuffer buffer1 = imgYUV420.getPlanes()[1].getBuffer();
ByteBuffer buffer2 = imgYUV420.getPlanes()[2].getBuffer();
int buffer0_size = buffer0.remaining();
int buffer1_size = buffer1.remaining();
int buffer2_size = buffer2.remaining();
byte[] buffer0_byte = new byte[buffer0_size];
byte[] buffer1_byte = new byte[buffer1_size];
byte[] buffer2_byte = new byte[buffer2_size];
buffer0.get(buffer0_byte, 0, buffer0_size);
buffer1.get(buffer1_byte, 0, buffer1_size);
buffer2.get(buffer2_byte, 0, buffer2_size);
ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream( );
try {
outputStream.write( buffer0_byte );
outputStream.write( buffer1_byte );
outputStream.write( buffer2_byte );
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
rez = outputStream.toByteArray( );
return rez;
But I dont know why, the resulting frame is "flipped" in the horizontal direction. In other word, when I move the camera to the right, the frame after the packing procedure I have described is moving to the left, like if the sensor is placed in an antinatural position.
I hope you may understand what I mean
It's ok for camera to produce mirrored image. If you don't want it to be mirrored - you need to perform horizontal mirroring, swapping pixels in each row.