Currently I'm playing around with exporting my data from Netlogo to a CSV file and then loading it into Tableau with the following code..
to write-result-to-file
; if nothing to write then stop
if empty? Result-File [stop]
; Open file
file-open Result-File
; Write into the file
file-print (word Days-passed "," num-susceptible "," num-infected "," num-recovered)
; Close file
Where am running into trouble is when I load the data into tableau it isn't properly picking up the measures/dimensions. Is there a way in Netlogo to specify the headers of each of my rows/columns before they are exported to the CSV file? Is anyone has any experience using tableau and Netlogo I'd really appreciate some help.
This question was asked and answered over on NetLogo Users. James Steiner's answer is copied below, with a few typos in the code corrected. It's really quite elegant.
You can print the headers to your results-file during setup!
You might want to make a subroutine to handle all writing to the file, so you don't have to repeat code:
to write-csv [ #filename #items ]
;; #items is a list of the data (or headers!) to write.
if is-list? #items and not empty? #items
[ file-open #filename
;; quote non-numeric items
set #items map quote #items
;; print the items
;; if only one item, print it.
ifelse length #items = 1 [ file-print first #items ]
[file-print reduce [ (word ?1 "," ?2) ] #items]
;; close-up
to-report quote [ #thing ]
ifelse is-number? #thing
[ report #thing ]
[ report (word "\"" #thing "\"") ]
You would call it with
write-csv "myfilename.csv" ["label1" "label2" "label3"]
to write the column headers in your setup routine, and then
write-csv "myfilename.csv" [10.0 "sometext" 20.3]
to write a row of data - in this case a number, a string, and another number.