Storing objects for locating by x,y coordinates

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-11-27 07:53:02

Quadtrees seem to solve the specific problem I asked. Kd-Trees are a more general form, for any number of dimensions, rather than just two.

R-Trees may also be useful if the objects being stored have a bounding rectangle, rather than being just a simple point.

The general term for these type of structures is Spatial Index.

There is a Java implementation of Quadtree and R-Tree.

The general term is a Spatial Index. I guess you should choose according to the existing implementations.

A quadtree is the structure which is usually used for that.

Have a look at Kd-Trees.

Simple QuadTree implementation in C# (easy to translate into java)

You could put all the x cords in a map, and the y cords in another map, and have the map values point to the object.

        TreeMap<Integer, TreeMap<Integer, Point>> xMap = new TreeMap<Integer, TreeMap<Integer, Point>>();
        for (int x = 1; x < 100; x += 2)
            for (int y = 0; y < 100; y += 2)
                    Point p = new Point(x, y);
                    TreeMap<Integer, Point> tempx = xMap.get(x);
                    if (tempx == null)
                            tempx = new TreeMap<Integer, Point>();
                            xMap.put(x, tempx);
                    tempx.put(y, p);
        SortedMap<Integer, TreeMap<Integer, Point>> tempq = xMap.subMap(5, 8);
        Collection<Point> result = new HashSet<Point>();
        for (TreeMap<Integer, Point> smaller : tempq.values())
                SortedMap<Integer, Point> smallerYet = smaller.subMap(6, 12);
        for (Point q : result)