Identifying and persisting guest users in Laravel

余生颓废 提交于 2019-12-22 08:36:18


I am building an online store website as a side project with Laravel 5.3. My goal is to implement anonymous and authenticated shopping. Here are the Customer, Cart, and CartItem tables so far:

// (1) customers table...
$table->integer('user_id')->unsigned(); // -> User hasOne('App\Customer') rel.
// last_name, dob, phone, etc. + timestamps

// (2) carts table...
// -> Customer identification (and not user_id, because admins don't have carts!):
// -> Guest identification:

// (3) cart_items table...

However, I am not sure how to identify guest users and bind them with carts. The idea is, if you shop as a guest and then register or log in, your cart should become authenticated, i.e. I need to do $cart->customer_id = Auth::user()->customer->id. But how do I bind guests with their anonymous carts (i.e. when $cart->customer_id == null)?


  • If I store Session::getId(); in $cart->session_id whenever a new Cart is created, then I am at risk, because session id in Laravel is regenerated quite frequently (e.g. during login authentication). So, if a guest logs in, I can no longer find their cart Cart::where('session_id', Session::getId()) because their Session id has just been regenerated upon login!
  • Another option would be to store a random string instead of session_id, e.g. write $table->uuid('guest_id') in carts migration. This token would be persisted in the database and in the client-side cookie (as suggested by Snapey in a similar question on Laracasts).
  • Yet another option is to create a 'guest' User, possibly with a role of guest, but with no password or email. When customer decides to register, I could then populate those fields with the values from the registration form.


The problem I see with cookies though is that they are less 'persistent', and I still feel that storing the cart (both anonymous and authenticated) in session is more secure. At the same time, I can't change session lifetime to e.g. 30 days, since sessions also store authentication info and since this might simply be an overkill for the server. As for guest users, I would need to make email and password nullable in users table, which smells like a bad practice (don't change code you don't own type of thing).


Are there any other approaches to solving this problem? What would be the best and most secure practice to identify guest users and bind them with their anonymous shopping carts? Lastly, if I were to use Laravel sessions, does it make sense to use database sessions or rather file sessions? Do I need any changes to my customers, carts, or cart_items tables?

P.S. I am aware that shopping cart packages for Laravel do exist, but so far I haven't found one that incorporates anonymous + authenticated shopping and/or integrates with users table.

