Python Video Framework

随声附和 提交于 2019-12-22 08:06:46


I'm looking for a Python framework that will enable me to play video as well as draw on that video (for labeling purposes).

I've tried Pyglet, but this doesn't seem to work particularly well - when drawing on an existing video, there is flicker (even with double buffering and all of that good stuff), and there doesn't seem to be a way to get the frame index in the video during the per-frame callback (only elapsed time since the last frame).


Try a Python wrapper for OpenCV such as ctypes-opencv. The C API reference is here, and the wrapper is very close (see docstrings for any changes).

I have used it to draw on video without any flicker, so you should have no problems with that.

A rough outline of calls you need:

  • Load video with cvCreateFileCapture, load font with cvFont.
  • Grab frame with cvQueryFrame, increment your frame counter.
  • Draw on the frame with cvPutText, cvEllipse, etc etc.
  • Display to user with cvShowImage.


Qt (PyQt) has Phonon, which might help out. PyQt is available as GPL or payware. (Qt has LGPL too, but the PyQt wrappers don't)


Try the Python bindings for GStreamer.

