I have a Jtree using DefaultTreeModel, each individual node contains a UserObject containing various string fields.
I would like to find and select a node by doing a recursive traversal until it finds the DefaultMutableTreeNode with UserObject matching one of it's fields and programmatically select that node.
Are there any examples involving searching via DefaultMutableTreeNode's UserObject fields?
DefaultMutableTreeNode has depthFirstEnumeration() and breadthFirstEnumeration(). Call the one you desire, iterate through the enumeration until you find the node that has the UserObject
you want.
DefaultMutableTreeNode theNode = null;
for (Enumeration e = root.depthFirstEnumeration(); e.hasMoreElements() && theNode == null;) {
DefaultMutableTreeNode node = (DefaultMutableTreeNode) e.nextElement();
if (whatIWantIs(node.getUserObject)) {
theNode = node;