I'm using angular ng-options to show a with several options as the choices of parent category of the current category, basically these options contain all the existing categories, and I need to exclude the current category from ng-options, which quite make sense because a category cannot be the parent category of itself. So how do I do that? Currently I have the following code:
<tr ng-repeat="category in allCategories">
<th ng-bind="category.name"></th>
<select ng-options="everyCategory.name for everyCategory in allCategories">
<option value="">Select parent category</option>
You should use filter.
<select ng-options="everyCategory.name for everyCategory in allCategories | filter: { name: '!' + category.name }">...</select>
You could use a filter
<tr ng-repeat="category in allCategories">
<select ng-options="everyCategory.name for everyCategory in allCategories | filter: {name: '!' + category.name}" ng-model="somthing">
<option value="">Select parent category</option>
I've created a small fiddle with a exmaple of how to use it: http://jsfiddle.net/krausekjaer/tnqrqk2w/3/
Thanks to @Krause and @Kamil R for the answer, yet I found an issue when using their solution, as I've mentioned in previous comments, if there are 2 categories with one name as a substring of another, the filter will cross out both of them. For instance, categories like: candy candybar Using
filter: { name: '!' + category.name }
will filter both of them out, in order to make sure only one gets filtered, I ended up writing a custom filter:
app.filter('parentTaxonomyFilter', function(){
return function(items, name){
var arrayToReturn = [];
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i ++){
if (items[i].name != name) {
return arrayToReturn;
and in html, I use the filter like this:
<select class="form-control" ng-init="taxonomy.parentTaxonomy=getParentTaxonomy(taxonomy)" ng-model="taxonomy.parentTaxonomy" ng-options="everyTaxonomy.name for everyTaxonomy in data.allTaxonomies|parentTaxonomyFilter:taxonomy.name">
<option value="">select parent taxonomy</option>
Try this
<tr ng-repeat="category in allCategories">
<select ng-options="everyCategory.name for everyCategory in allCategories | filter: { name: '!' + category.name }" ng-model="somthing">...</select>
<option value="">Select parent category</option>