Optional argument followed by Params [duplicate]

被刻印的时光 ゝ 提交于 2019-12-22 03:19:14


So I see that it's possible to have a method signature where the first parameter provides a default value and the second parameter is a params collection.

What I can't see is a way to actually use the default value of the first argument.

Is it at all possible?

Example method:

void WaitAllTasks(string message = "Running Task.WaitAll", params Task[] tasks);

I initially tried omitting the message parameter when calling the method and also tried using named parameters, which doesn't work with params.

It compiles, but is it possible to use it?


I can find three ways of calling the method without specifying a value for the first parameter:

using System;

class Test
    static void PrintValues(string title = "Default",
                            params int[] values)
        Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", title, 
                          string.Join(", ", values));

    static void Main()
        // Explicitly specify the argument name and build the array
        PrintValues(values: new int[] { 10, 20 });
        // Explicitly specify the argument name and provide a single value
        PrintValues(values: 10);
        // No arguments: default the title, empty array

I haven't found a way of specifying multiple values without explicitly building the array though...

