I am trying to run Basemap examples from here and I am facing an error 'AxesSubplot' object has no attribute 'get_axis_bgcolor'. When I try first example from the site I should receive contours black, water blue and land coral, but in my case boundaries are black but both water and land are blue
I am using: -Python 3.5.5 -Matplotlib 2.2.2
Would appreciate any help.
(even current latest version 1.0.7) is using deprecated Matplotlib
command (see: matplotlib.org/api/_as_gen/…). This command ax.get_axis_bgcolor()
needs to be replaced by ax.get_fc()
in the file __init__.py
found in the ...\lib\pythonX.X\site-packaged\mpl_toolkits\basemap
There are instances in the following two functions drawmapboundary()
and fillcontinents()
Save the edits, then re-start and run the python script.