How to use Profile in ASP.NET?

不想你离开。 提交于 2019-12-21 12:38:56


i try to learn Profile management. But i added below xml firstName,LastName and others. But i cannot write Profile. if i try to write Profile property. drow my editor Profile : Error 1 The name 'Profile' does not exist in the current context C:\Documents and Settings\ykaratoprak\Desktop\Security\WebApp_profile\WebApp_profile\Default.aspx.cs 18 13 WebApp_profile How can i do that?

    <authentication mode="Windows"/>
        <add name="FirstName"/>
        <add name="LastName"/>
        <add name="Age"/>
        <add name="City"/>

 protected void Button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            Profile.FirstName = TextBox1.Text;
            Profile.LastName = TextBox2.Text;
            Profile.Age = TextBox3.Text;
            Profile.City = TextBox4.Text;

            Label1.Text = "Profile stored successfully!<br />" +
                "<br />First Name: " + Profile.FirstName +
                "<br />Last Name: " + Profile.LastName +
                "<br />Age: " + Profile.Age +
                "<br />City: " + Profile.City;


To use Profiles in the manner you describe requires a Web Site project. Your question implies that you have a Web Application project.

Using profiles in a Web Application project is a little more work than with a Web Site as the dynamic ProfileCommon class is not generated for you.

Here are some references to help you understand the differences.

And here is a tool that can make using profiles in Web Applications easier.


This URL describes how to work around the issue with Profiles within a Web Application: Using ASP.Net Profile Feature in a Web Application Project


Add this namespace in your page System.Web.Profile

using System.Web.Profile;


The problem is that Profile Already exists in web.config. So you have to add your properties into the profile, erase the using System.Web.Profile and write it again (Using System.Web.Profile;).

