I have followed the following steps to install XAMPP 1.7.7 in Windows 7 Home(64-bit)
I downloaded the ZIP file instead of the the EXE file, and saved it to the "Downloads" folder.
Using WinRAR I extracted all contents within it.
After extracting the ZIP file, I moved the newly created "xampp" folder from "Downloads" to "C:\"
Next, I turned off the User Account Control (UAC).
Then, navigated to "C:\xampp" and created a shortcut to the Desktop.
Ran the new XAMPP Control Desktop shortcut and "Start"ed the ones for MySQL, Apache and Tomcat. For, MySQL, Apache I see a green "Running" indicator. However, for Tomcat NOTHING. The log shows that Tomcat has started on port 8080, but in reality it is not and I am not seeing green "Running" indicator.
When I open up Web Browser, and type in http://localhost I see the XAMPP splash screen. But, if I try with http://localhost:8080, it shows "unable to connect". If I go to Tomcat Status I see:
XAMPP Status This page offers you one page to view all information about what's running and working, and what isn't working.
Common Gateway Interface (CGI) ACTIVATED
Server Side Includes (SSI) ACTIVATED
Tomcat Service DEACTIVATED
Why is Tomcat DEACTIVATED? I have tried to install XAMPP 1.7.7 with .EXE file and the same thing happens. How can I fix this?
For some reason your xampp app can't run the calatina_start batch file. Go to c:\xampp\tomcat\ press "catalina_start", it will start the batch file for you and then if you check the status on localhost again it will show you that tomcat service is activated and you can load localhost:8080. But i don't know the reason why it doesn't run with xampp automatically. Hope this helps. If you figure out something else, let me know.
I found that there might be some mistake in the path for "catalina", because in my case it worked directly after the installation and it says: catalina home: xampp/tomcat but when you stop all and you start again or even after reboot the path for catalina home given in the black DOS window is: xampp/tmp/tomcat and the message: "Path could not be found" I suppose, there is the main bug...
Regards schubi
Make sure you have Java jdk installed on your PC first of all. Download a copy from here and re-run your xampp.