How do you convert an NSURL to a String in Swift?
The following:
var directoryURL: NSURL
var urlString: String = nsurlObject as String
Throws the error:
Cannot convert value of type 'NSURL' to type 'String' in coercion
It turns out there are properties of NSURL you can access (see Swift Reference):
var directoryURL: NSURL
var urlString: String = directoryURL.absoluteString
// OR
var urlString: String = directoryURL.relativeString
// OR
var urlString: String = directoryURL.relativePath
// OR
var urlString: String = directoryURL.path
// etc.
In Swift 3 & 4,
To convert URL to String, you can use:
String(contentsOf: URL)
and to convert String to URL:
URL(string: String)