How can I repeat the line in notepad++?

南楼画角 提交于 2019-12-20 09:57:10


How can I repeat the line in notepad++ ?

For example I have the following input:

a 01
a 02
a 03
a 04

And I would like it to become:

a 01
a 01
a 02
a 02
a 03
a 03
a 04
a 04

So every line should be displayed twice.


If you don't mind the semi-manual process, you can start at the first line and repeat the following key combination until you reach the end of the document (you get very fast at this)

Ctrl + D Down Down

This duplicates the current line, then moves down twice (to the line following the newly duplicated one).

If you have a large document, you can record this once as a macro (see the Macro menu), then use either Ctrl + Shift + P (Playback) repeatedly -- you can just hold those keys down. Or use the Macro option "Run a Macro Multiple Times..."


Open the search dialog box and write :-






If you have the mouse cursor on the line you want to repeat, then you can use Ctrl-D shortcut to duplicate the line. Or you can use the same shortcut selecting multiple lines.


Highlight the desired code and press Ctrl+D. Don't highlight if you want to duplicate just the current line.


If you are using windows, I recommend writing an auto-hotkey (AHK) script to do this for you. This way, your special text-manipulation script will work in any IDE, not just notepad++. All you would have to do is copy your text example to the clipboard, and then execute an AHK script that reads data from the clipboard using the %clipboard% variable. Then you can load the clipboard with the results of your script and send a CTRL+V signal.

