About 6 months ago there was an update to the WordPress API which allows setting a post's thumbnail (or featured) image.
I'm trying to use it but it's not working for me. I'd like to know what I may be doing wrong. I'm calling the XML-RPC newPost method to create a post and passing the Media ID of an existing asset in the media library (known as the attachment_id in the media library) The new post is being created and all the other properties are being set, except for the featured image.
I verified my version of the wordpress api, and sure enough in class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php I see the comment in the new post function section: "* post_thumbnail - ID of a media item to use as the post thumbnail/featured image"
All the other properties are working. I can add new images to the media library via XML-RPC. I can create and update posts and set their tags, titles, descriptions, custom field values, and categories. I don't get any errors when I try to set the post_thumbnail value. Even if I pass in a non-existent media id, which seems odd.
arrrg! this WP version 3.4 ticket is misleading! http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/20396
it's "wp_post_thumbnail" not "post_thumbnail"
I was trying to do the same with my Ruby script and using XML RPC API.
First Initialize and get connect to your wordpress site:
wp = Rubypress::Client.new( :host => "your host", :username => "test", :password => "test", :path => "yourhost/xmlrpc.php" )
Upload an image which you want as featured image.
wp.uploadFile( :data => { :name => File.basename(FILENAME), :type => "image/png", :bits => XMLRPC::Base64.new(File.open(FILENAME).read) } )
get attachment id using
method.attach = wp.getMediaItem(:blog_id => 0, :attachment_id => img_id.to_i)
Now create a post using
methodwp.newPost( :blog_id => 0, # 0 unless using WP Multi-Site, then use the blog id :content => { :post_status => "draft", :post_date => Time.now, :post_content => "This is the body", :post_title => "test title best!", :post_name => "test best", :post_author => 1, :post_type=>'post', :post_thumbnail => attach['attachment_id'] :terms_names => { :category => ['Category One','Category'], :post_tag => ['Tag One','Tag Two', 'Tag Three'] }, } )
Check the result by
method which will return you the postget_data = wp.getPost(:post_id => new_post_resp.to_i, :blog_id => 0)
You should Refer the following links. These all are my findings when I was facing the same issue:
- Reference-1
- Reference-2
- Reference-3
- Reference-4
- Reference-5