I'm having trouble figuring out how exactly to get this to work... I'm attempting to get the shortest path to the goal using a DFS. I know that BFS is better but I was asked to use DFS for this. As you can see, I attempt to make a comparison between all stacks that lead to the end to find the goal, but it does not work, only the first stack that leads to the goal is ever printed... I know somewhere I need to unvisit nodes, but I cannot figure out exactly how. Right now I do get a path to the goal, but not the shortest one. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Writing a non-recursive DFS is possible by using your own stack, but I find the recursive solution to be more elegant. Here is a sketch of one:
visited[vertex] = true
if we found the exit
output path
for each neighbor v of vertex
if not visited[v]
visited[vertex] = false