I have an issue using MySQL on PHP 5.6, and after three days of debugging PHP, OpenSSL, MySQLnd Drivers on PHP and trying out the mysql_client on an Ubuntu 14.04 machine, I have come to a conclusion: Google Cloud SQL SSL certificates will not work on PHP 5.6 and above.
For a start, the Google Cloud is a great service, and modern cryptography is enforced throughout the Google ecosystem. However, I couldn't use it because of one little problem: Google Cloud SQL SSL Server certificates have impossible common names.
Google Cloud SQL Server (or peer) certificates have a Common Name (CN) that looks something like:
To make matters worse, starting from PHP 5.6, all encrypted client streams will go through mandatory peer certificate validation. (Link: OpenSSL changes in PHP 5.6.x). I use the PHP Data Objects (PDO) extension, which uses the native driver MySQLnd to handle all the MySQL business. This uses the native PHP streams to handle those connections.
I have been looking through the MySQLnd source code on PHP (Link: MYSQLnd Driver Code on GitHub), MySQLnd configuration options to try and disable the SSL peer verification code on this particular MySQLND. To no avail.
Therefore, what should I do if I need to use SSL for MySQL connections on PHP 5.6?
Your response is greatly appreciated!
Try connecting through the proxy if you have second generation sql, you might be able to connect pdo via the proxy with https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/compute-engine-access#gce-connect-proxy
Assuming you can convince MySQL that the hostname is should verify is in fact project-name:instance-id
then I would have thought the hostname validation ought to succeed (though I agree that cert doesn't look great).
I tried the following from my Mac OS X workstation and it appeared to succeed, at least when using the mysql
binary (I didn't try via PHP).
First I added a hosts entry on my machine included the colon as part of the name: project-name:instance-id
After doing so I was able to connect successfully with the mysql (5.6.32) installed on my machine:
mysql -uroot -h "project-name:instance-id" --password \
--ssl \
--ssl-ca ~/Downloads/server-ca.pem \
--ssl-cert ~/Downloads/client-cert.pem \
--ssl-key ~/Downloads/client-key.pem \
(When I ran that same command with the IP address instead, I received ERROR 2026 (HY000): SSL connection error: SSL certificate validation failure