Python for .NET: Using same .NET assembly in multiple versions

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-19 09:22:14


My problem: I have an assembly in 2 versions and want to use them at the same time in my Python project.

The .NET libs are installed in GAC (MSIL), having the same public token:

lib.dll (
lib.dll (

In Python I want something like that:

import clr
clr.AddReference("lib, Version=, ...")
from lib import Class
myClass1 = Class()


clr.AddReference("lib, Version=, ...")
from lib import class
myClass2 = Class()

*other stuff*

# both objects should be accessibly

Is there a way to do that? Something with AppDomains or bindingRedirect?

Note: Of course myClass1.operationFromVersion2() can fail...


Well I found a solution: Python for .NET also supports Reflection!

Instead of

clr.AddReference("lib, Version=, ...")

You have to use

assembly1 = clr.AddReference("lib, Version=, ...")

With that assembly you can use all the Reflection stuff like in C#. In my example I have to use following code (same for version 2):

from System import Type
type1 = assembly1.GetType(...)
constructor1 = type1.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes)
myClass1 = constructor1.Invoke([])


I could not get it working using the accepted answer. Here is my solution.

Instead of using PythonNet you must use the .NET framework directly:

import System

dll_ref = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile(fullPath)

Check that the correct DLL is used.

To use multiple DLLs with the same version just load it to another variable

another_dll_ref = System.Reflection.Assembly.LoadFile(anotherFullPath)

Now you can use objects from the specified dll.

Instance of a public non-static class

some_class_type = dll_ref.GetType('MyNamespace.SomeClass')
my_instance = System.Activator.CreateInstance(some_class_type)
my_instance.a = 4 # setting attribute
my_instance.b('whatever') # calling methods

Calling a method in a public static class

some_class_type = dll_ref.GetType('MyNamespace.SomeClass')
method = some_class_type.GetMethod('SomeMethod')
# return type and list of parameters
method.Invoke(None, [1, 2.0, '3']) 

Creating a instance of a struct

some_struct_type = dll_ref.GetType('MyNamespace.SomeStruct')
my_struct = System.Activator.CreateInstance(some_struct_type)
my_struct.a = 3

(taken from my question Python for .NET: How to explicitly create instances of C# classes using different versions of the same DLL?)

