I have been looking in the documentation but can't find the answer. How can I specify the page size of my pdf document and what are the available page sizes? I keep on looking and looking but I can't find good documentation. Please point me to a URL or let me know how can I code some page size into my PDF document.
Oh and I don't want to do that on any config file because I need to generate PDf documents of different sizes.
NOT in config file...
PDFKit.configure do |config|
config.wkhtmltopdf = `which wkhtmltopdf`.to_s.strip
config.default_options = {
:page_size=>"A4", #or "Letter" or whatever needed
You can set the page size when creating a new PDF like this:
kit = PDFKit.new(source, :page_size => "Legal")
PDFKit uses WKHTMLTOPDF which in turn uses QPrinter. You can find the available sizes in the QPrinter documentation (there's a bunch), but its pretty safe to say that any size paper you want is available. Also, you can set a custom size if you can't find what you need.
NB: If you don't set a default option for page_size
in a config somewhere AND don't supply one in your method call, PDFKit will use its internal default (Letter). See line 10 of lib/pdfkit/configuration.rb
Since it's using wkhtmltopdf to generate the PDFs I'm assuming you can use the same options that it supports. In a wkhtmltopdf manual I found, it mentions the following site for a list of sizes:
To set the page size, you can use the :page_size option like so:
PDFKit.new(html, :page_size => 'Letter')
Pdkit accepts custom sizes:
PDFKit.configure do |config|
config.wkhtmltopdf = `which wkhtmltopdf`.strip
config.default_options = {
:page_width => '1682',
:page_height => '2378'
The sizes must be in milimeters (wkthmltopdf documentation).