
How to make an admin action in django to download user's pdf files

无人久伴 提交于 2021-02-08 04:38:43
问题 I want to create an admin action to download users pdf files The user file would be uploaded in the media directory What and the admin should be able to download any file I tried using pdfkit to let him download the files but I couldn't > import pdfkit > > def downloadCV(self, request, queryset): > projectUrl = str(queryset[0].cv)+'' > pdf = pdfkit.from_url(projectUrl, False) > response = HttpResponse(pdf,content_type='application/pdf') > response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment;

PDFDocument not loading file from URL

孤街浪徒 提交于 2021-01-29 09:01:09
问题 I am using PDFKit to show a PDF file within a PDFView with the pdfView.document = document function. Here's the problem, I am also using the UIDocumentPicker API and whenever I retrieve a document url from the didPickDocumentAt url delegate method, the url string comes in the following form: file:///private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/09281711-BFB5-4B74-94A1-473F9B460EBD/tmp/com.ivancantarino.Cozynote-Inbox/Documento%20PDF.pdf If I later try to preview that document with PDFKit it

How to convert html map into image (png or jpg )

拥有回忆 提交于 2021-01-07 02:39:58
问题 I am trying to save a map containing markers and also heatmap into an image. Here is the code to display the map. from ipywidgets import Layout import geopandas defaultLayout=Layout(width='3000px', height='3000px') # A very large image. lat_lgn = [39.74248, 254.993622] m_f = Map(center=lat_lgn, zoom=12, layout=defaultLayout) marker_m = Marker(location=lat_lgn, draggable=False) m_f.add_layer(marker_m) m_f Add some markers on it arr_test1 = [39.74258, 254.993682] arr_test2 = [39.76288, 254

最新 iOS 框架整体梳理(三)

社会主义新天地 提交于 2020-08-10 03:51:07
这一篇得把介绍框架这个系列终结了,不能超过三篇了,不然太长了..... 还是老规矩,前面两篇的机票在下方: 最新 iOS 框架整体梳理(一) 最新 iOS 框架整体梳理(二) Part - 3 62、Metal MetalKit Metal ( [ˈmetl] ) 这是一个和 OpenGLES 类似的面向底层的图形处理接口,这也是苹果自己搞出来的,所以这个框架我还是推荐要有一个大概的了解。 Metal 系列教程(1)- Metal 介绍及基本使用 (系列文章三篇都是讲述 Metal 的,可以学习一下) iOS渐变二维码之Metal实现篇 官方文档 63、MetalPerdormanceShaders 其实这个 MetalPerdormanceShaders 也是属于Metal的内容,关于它的具体的使用我推荐一篇利用它组高斯迷糊的文章。 学习用MetalPerformanceShaders进行图像处理 官方文档 64、MetricKit 这是一个在 iOS 13 中新加入的框架,iOS 13 中推出了MetricKit,它用于收集和处理电池和性能指标。 iOS MetricsKit 收集电量和性能数据 官方文档 65、MobileCoreServices 要是在iOS10 以后在有一些APP之间跳转的时候是需要这个框架的,我也了解了一下关于这个框架

Passing data in UIViewControllerRepresentable

梦想的初衷 提交于 2020-07-22 05:13:31
问题 I'm trying to make a PDFView with UIKit and pass it data from a previous SwiftUI view. The data itself is a string with the name of the file. Somehow, the string is not passed from the UIViewControllerRepresentable to the UIViewController and it stays empty. I really can't find a reason why this is happening. Could you check where I'm wrong? I hope this code is enough. I'm using NavigationLink(destination: FileViewerWrapper(file: "some string")) {} import PDFKit import UIKit import SwiftUI

Swift 5 - How to create table in PDF with PDFKit

半腔热情 提交于 2020-06-25 06:33:44
问题 I have information in UIGraphicsPDFRendererFormat with height 400 and I want to attach a table in it, but I need if the table is bigger than the page to create automatically new pages and continues with the table in the other pages. I found answers about converting UITableView to PDF, but I don't use UITableView. I'm going to fill the table with arrays: names:[String] , addresses:[String], money:[Double] The Array Money should be summed automatically at the end of the table. So how can be