Convert io.BytesIO to io.StringIO to parse HTML page

a 夏天 提交于 2019-12-18 14:13:12


I'm trying to parse a HTML page I retrieved through pyCurl but the pyCurl WRITEFUNCTION is returning the page as BYTES and not string, so I'm unable to Parse it using BeautifulSoup.

Is there any way to convert io.BytesIO to io.StringIO?

Or Is there any other way to parse the HTML page?

I'm using Python 3.3.2.


A naive approach:

# assume bytes_io is a `BytesIO` object
byte_str =

# Convert to a "unicode" object
text_obj = byte_str.decode('UTF-8')  # Or use the encoding you expect

# Use text_obj how you see fit!
# io.StringIO(text_obj) will get you to a StringIO object if that's what you need


the code in the accepted answer actually reads from the stream completely for decoding. Below is the right way, converting one stream to another, where the data can be read chunk by chunk.

# Initialize a read buffer
input = io.BytesIO(
    b'Inital value for read buffer with unicode characters ' +
wrapper = io.TextIOWrapper(input, encoding='utf-8')

# Read from the buffer

