How to wadl2java these days?

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2019-12-18 12:53:13


I have real difficulty finding commandline tool to convert WADL to java. No matter how much I try to google, follow blogs or doc, there is no real download link. (links are broken or obsolete).

What particular vendor, community group is supplying this tool ? Does free download link exist ?

The generated code should be able to reconstruct POJOs from XML responses and survive inside Tomcat 7. Thank you

Answer: (this works only after June 2011):

  • Take (not any of the earlier versions)
  • Extract it to root folder
  • Take
  • Search for folder named distribution inside src
  • Extract ditribution folder and merge it with no overwrites to root folder
  • goto bin and spot the wadl2java.bat
  • run wadl2java.bat from command prompt
  • continue with no brainer details


Apache CXF recently added support for WADL-first development of REST services. For more background information on its wadl2java tool, this blog entry by one of the CXF committers should help.


I had some trouble using the CXF 2.5.4 wadl2java tool. It kept complaining of a missing "resources" element in my WADL file, even though it contained one. has a download of wadl2java that worked for me.


As of Apache CXF version 2.7.11 just download the binary zip / tar.gz, set CXF_HOME env-var to /path/to/apache-cxf-x.y.z and wadl2java is available at $CXF_HOME/bin


Just to give an update with CXF version 3.2.1 it worked for me.

Steps are

  1. Download anywhere
  2. Unzip
  3. Go to /bin
  4. Run wadl2java to get the usage
  5. Run wadl2java -p com.x.y.z wadl-file.xml to generate your classes in current directory.

By the way I noticed that it created a class with a space in the name and also created classes with name starting with digits :)


For generating client side stubs from WADL, use a tool wadl2java. Download wadl tool from here:-

For genearting client side java stubs(POJOs), use this command: \wadl2java -o .\src -p com.test.client WADL_FILE_LOCATION

If you are using maven project then you can use wadl2java maven plugin for this work.

