I have been writing a program for the following recurrence relation:
An = 5An-1 - 2An-2 - An-3 + An-4
The output should be the Answer modulus 10^9 + 7.. I wrote a brute force approach for this one as follows...
long long int t1=5, t2=9, t3=11, t4=13, sum;
sum=((5*t4) - 2*t3 - t2 +t1)%MOD;
printf("%lld\n", sum);
where MOD= 10^9 +7
Every thing seems to be true.. but i am getting negative answer for some values.. and due to this problem, I am unable to find the correct solution...
Plz help about the right place to keep the Modulus
The thing is that the % operator isn't the "modulo operator" but the "division remainder" operator with the following equality
(a/b)*b + a%b == a (for b!=0)
So, if in case your integer division rounds towards zero (which is mandated since C99 and C++11, I think), -5/4 will be -1 and we have
(-5/4)*4 + -5%4 == -5
-1 *4 -1 == -5
In order to get a positive result (for the modulo operation) you need to add the divisor in case the remainder was negative or do something like this:
long mod(long a, long b)
{ return (a%b+b)%b; }
Using %
a second time in @sellibitze's and @liquidblueocean's answers probably won't be as slow as %
tends to be in general, because it boils down to either one subtraction of b
or none. Actually, let me just check that...
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int a = argc; //Various tricks to prevent the
int b = 7; //compiler from optimising things out.
int c[10]; //Using g++ 4.8.1
for (int i = 0; i < 1000111000; ++i)
c[a % b] = 3;
//c[a < b ? a : a-b] = 3;
return a;
Alternatively commenting the line with %
or the other line, we get:
: 14 secondsWith
: 7 seconds
So %
is not as optimised as I suspected. Probably because that optimisation would add overhead.
Therefore, it's better to not use %
twice, for performance reasons.
Instead, as this answer suggests and explains, do this:
int mod(int k, int n) {
return ((k %= n) < 0) ? k+n : k;
It takes a bit more work if you want it to work properly for negative n too, but that's almost never necessary.
Just replace %
by a function that handles negative values:
long long int mod(long long int a, long long int b) {
long long int ret = a % b;
if (ret < 0)
ret += b;
return ret;
EDIT: Changed the data type to long long int
All answers currently here that have a once-off addition in their formula are wrong when abs(a) > b. Use this or similar:
int modulo (int a, int b) { return a >= 0 ? a % b : ( b - abs ( a%b ) ) % b; }
As others have said %
is just a remainder operator rather than mod
. However, the mod/remainder operation distributes correctly through recurrence relations like this, so if you just adjust your final solution to be positive, like this,
if (sum < 0) { sum = sum + MOD; }
then you should get the right answer. The advantage of doing it this way is that you introduce one less function call and/or branch per loop iteration. (Which may or may not matter depending on how clever your compiler is).