Meteor wrapAsync syntax

北慕城南 提交于 2019-12-17 20:37:04


How do I use the Meteor wrapAsync?

Below is what I am trying to do

if (tempTreatment.groupId === undefined) {
      // create new group
      Meteor.wrapAsync('createTreatmentGroup', salon, tempTreatment.groupName, tempTreatment.groupName));

      // get group id
      var getGroup = Meteor.wrapAsync('getTreatmentGroup', salon, tempTreatment.groupName));

      tempTreatment.groupId = getGroup._id;

I want to run these two Meteor.callfunctions synchronosly but I get undefined on console.log(getGroup); which shuold just return an object.


Meteor.wrapAsync is a server-side API designed to wrap Node.js asynchronous functions requiring a callback as last argument, to make them appear synchronous through the use of Futures, a Fibers sub-library. (more on this here :

It is not intended to be used client-side to turn asynchronous into a synchronous call because on the browser, Remote Method Invokation calls are ALWAYS asynchronous.

Long story short, you simply cannot achieve what you're trying to do, you have to use callbacks and nest your second method call inside the success callback of your first method call.

