How do I get the currently connected network interface name using Cocoa or Foundation?

五迷三道 提交于 2019-12-17 10:57:15


I need to know the network interface name of the currently connected network interface, as in en0, lo0 and so on.

Is there a Cocoa/Foundation function that is going to give me this information?


You can cycle through network interfaces and get their names, IP addresses, etc.

#include <ifaddrs.h>
// you may need to include other headers

struct ifaddrs* interfaces = NULL;
struct ifaddrs* temp_addr = NULL;

// retrieve the current interfaces - returns 0 on success
NSInteger success = getifaddrs(&interfaces);
if (success == 0)
    // Loop through linked list of interfaces
    temp_addr = interfaces;
    while (temp_addr != NULL)
      if (temp_addr->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) // internetwork only
        NSString* name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:temp_addr->ifa_name];
        NSString* address = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:inet_ntoa(((struct sockaddr_in *)temp_addr->ifa_addr)->sin_addr)];
        NSLog(@"interface name: %@; address: %@", name, address);

      temp_addr = temp_addr->ifa_next;

// Free memory

There are many other flags and data in the above structures, I hope you will find what you are looking for.


Since iOS works slightly differently to OSX, we had luck using the following code based on Davyd's answer to see the names of all available network interfaces on an iPhone: (also see here for full documentation on ifaddrs)

#include <ifaddrs.h>

struct ifaddrs* interfaces = NULL;
struct ifaddrs* temp_addr = NULL;

// retrieve the current interfaces - returns 0 on success
NSInteger success = getifaddrs(&interfaces);
if (success == 0)
    // Loop through linked list of interfaces
    temp_addr = interfaces;
    while (temp_addr != NULL)
            NSString* name = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:temp_addr->ifa_name];
            NSLog(@"interface name: %@", name);

        temp_addr = temp_addr->ifa_next;

// Free memory


Alternatively you can also utilize if_indextoname() to get available interface names. Here is how Swift implementation would look like:

public func interfaceNames() -> [String] {

    let MAX_INTERFACES = 128;

    var interfaceNames = [String]()
    let interfaceNamePtr = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>.alloc(Int(IF_NAMESIZE))
    for interfaceIndex in 1...MAX_INTERFACES {
        if (if_indextoname(UInt32(interfaceIndex), interfaceNamePtr) != nil){
            if let interfaceName = String.fromCString(interfaceNamePtr) {
        } else {

    return interfaceNames

