Path of source file is : /public_html/upload/64/SomeMusic.mp3
And I want to move it to this path : /public_html/archive/2011/05/64/SomeMusic.mp3
How can i do this using FTP commands?
In FTP client:
rename /public_html/upload/64/SomeMusic.mp3 /public_html/archive/2011/05/64/SomeMusic.mp3
With FTP commands:
RNFR /public_html/upload/64/SomeMusic.mp3
RNTO /public_html/archive/2011/05/64/SomeMusic.mp3
source: http://www.nsftools.com/tips/RawFTP.htm
Just in case someone else will search for a solution to move files by ftp and will not find a solution:
As I encountered the same problem and even the RNFR
and RNTO
will not work like in my case:
I solved this by doing the following workaround:
mget files*.ext
cd /path/to/desired/folder/
mput files*.ext
This is twice the traffic (get and put) but for smaller files it is at least a solution.