unable to build the project robospice-sample-ormlite-content-provider I use maven:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project robospice-sample-ormlite-content-provi
der: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.octo.android.robospice:robos
pice-sample-ormlite-content-provider:apk:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact
com.octo.android.robospice:robospice-spring-android:jar:1.4.6-SNAPSHOT -> [Help
I tried for more than 2 hours with all solutions found online with no luck. Can any one please provide the eclipse project ready and built ?
EDIT 2: I use Ropospice library and trying to compile the samples projects: https://github.com/octo-online/robospice
EDIT1: pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/maven-v4_0_0.xsd">
<name>Robospice - Sample ORMLite + SpringAndroid</name>
<description>A simple sample that demonstrates how to use the ORMLite module + ORMLite Content Provider and RoboSpice. As it is only a caching extension, we will combine it with SpringAndroid for REST requests.</description>
<!-- must be re-declared -->
<!-- This configuration is only meant to provide compatibility for ant
users -->
<!-- This configuration is only meant to provide compatibility for ant
users -->
I dug around the internet for a while to find all the classes and jars that will make this work and eventually got it working.
I have uploaded my own working version of the Robospice Content Provider here: https://github.com/Winghin2517/RobospiceContentProvider
Unfortunately, I had to use older versions of jars to make it work - for example, jar for Android-OrmLiteContentProvider 1.0.4 did not work as it does not recognise the @Contract annotation (https://github.com/jakenjarvis/Android-OrmLiteContentProvider/issues/21) and therefore I had to add the 1.0.3 manually.
The folder for ormlitecontentproviderlibrary in my git repo contains Android-OrmLiteContentProvider 1.0.3.
The folder in my git repo: https://github.com/Winghin2517/RobospiceContentProvider/tree/master/libs contains the corresponding compiler jar: ormlite-content-provider-compiler-1.0.3.jar
I link all of them together in my build.gradle file for my app so that all dependencies are picked up.