How do I specify what provisional profile RoboVM Gradle uses?

左心房为你撑大大i 提交于 2019-12-14 03:49:16


I searched around a bit and I found to edit build.gradle to be something like this

project(":ios") {
    apply plugin: "robovm"


    robovm {
        iosSignIdentity = ""
        iosProvisioningProfile = ""
        iosSkipSigning = false    

However, no matter what format I put inside the quotations, I get an error when calling gradlew ios:createIPA that the String is wrong. I tried absolute path of the certificate and profile, the name of it displayed inside Keychain Access, none work.

Is anyone familiar with this? Thanks!


the iosSignIdentity can be found here:

$ security find-identity -v -p codesigning
1) ABC123 "iPhone Developer: ME (ABC12345)"
2) DEF456 "iPhone Distribution: ME (ABC34578)"
 2 valid identities found

You need to specify the string, for example "iPhone Distribution: ME (ABC34578)"

Your provisioning profile is the 'exact' name that appears in XCode (sorry, I don't know the command for this)

Click on XCode -> Preferences -> Accounts -> Select your Apple ID -> View Details If your provisioning profiles aren't there, click the refresh button

So, your configuration block should look something like this:

robovm {

iosSignIdentity = 'iPhone Distribution: ME (ABC34578)'
iosProvisioningProfile = 'PROD PROVISIONING PROFILE' 


