What is wrong with my do…while logic, and continue logic?

前提是你 提交于 2019-12-14 03:36:47


I'm new to stackoverflow, and also somewhat new to programming, so please don't mind my poor formatting of the code. I have two problems with my code.

  1. My continue statement, which I'm using to continue the loop if the player types 'y' or 'Y', doesn't work. It terminates the program after only getting the guess correctly, which leads me to:

2.My continue counter goes past 0 without stopping, and I just can't see my error in the logic of the program.

I can't see the problems with my logic.

    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <iostream>
    #include <iomanip>
    #include <ctime>
    #include <random>

    using namespace std;

    int getNumber(); //random number prototype
    double getScore(); //gets score
    int chances = 7; //chances to guess with
    int main()
    int guess = 0, 
    char retry = 'y'; //initialize retry to 'y'
    cout << "This is a random number guessing game. " << "You will be guessing between 1-100."
     << "You have 7 chances. Good luck! \n \n" << endl;

    random = getNumber(); //give the function a variable


    cout << random << "\n" << "\n";

    cout << "Enter your guess: ";
    cin >> guess;

        if (guess == random)
            cout << "You have won the game! " << "Your score was: " << getScore();

            cout << "Would you like to retry? (Y or N): ";
            cin >> retry;

            if (retry == 'y' || retry == 'Y')
                chances = 7;
                guess = 0;
                continue; //player can retry the game
            else if (chances == 0)
                cout << "You have no chances left. Retry? (Y or N): ";
                    cin >> retry;
                if (retry == 'y' || retry == 'Y')
                    chances = 7;
                    guess = 0;

                return 0;
        else if (guess != random)
            cout << "You got it wrong. \n" << "You have: " << chances << " chances left" << endl << endl;
            cout << "Incorrect Input. Please type a number." << endl << endl;
   } while (guess != random);

return 0;

 int getNumber()
     unsigned seed = time(0); //seed the random number

     int randNum = rand() % 10 + 1; //random number in the range of 1-10
     return randNum;


You'll wanna take a look at this

Your continue statement is jumping to the end and checking the condition, guess != random, which evaluates to false and exits the do while. What you need to do is reset guess to a value such as 0 so that the condition does evaluate to true.


if (retry == 'y' || 'Y')

This is incorrect logic, which is why your code does not work the way you want it to. You want it to be:

if (retry == 'y' || retry == 'Y')

Fix this logic error in your other if-else statements as well.

