I want to take care the border conditions while handling any filters in image processing .I am extrapolating the border and creating the new boundary.For example I am having 4x3 input :
int image[4][3] =
1 2 3 4
2 4 6 8
3 6 9 12
int extensionimage[6][5] =
1 1 2 3 4 4
1 1 2 3 4 4
2 2 4 6 8 8
3 3 6 9 12 12
3 3 6 9 12 12
My code :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void padd_border(int *img,int *extension,int width,int height);
int main(){
int width = 4,height = 3;
int *img = new int[(width) * (height)];
for(int j = 0;j < height; j++){
for(int i = 0;i < width; i++){
img[j*width + i] = (i+1)*(j+1);
printf("%d\t",img[j*width + i]);
//Allocate memory for signal extension
int *extension = new int[(width + 2) * (height + 2)];
//Check memory allocation
if (!extension)
return 0;
// init to zero
memset(extension, 0, sizeof(int)*(width + 2) * (height + 2));
//Padd the input for border conditions
//HERE using "extension" input for dummy functionality
delete[] extension;
delete[] img;
return 0;
void padd_border(int *image,int *extension,int width,int height){
// Create image extension
for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i)
memcpy(extension + (width + 2) * (i + 1) + 1, image + width * i, width * sizeof(int));
extension[(width + 2) * (i + 1)] = image[width * i];
extension[(width + 2) * (i + 2) - 1] = image[width * (i + 1) - 1];
// Fill first line of image extension
memcpy(extension, extension + width + 2, (width + 2) * sizeof(int));
// Fill last line of image extension
memcpy(extension + (width + 2) * (height + 1), extension + (width + 2) * height, (width + 2) * sizeof(int));
My questions:
1) I don't want to create "extension" buffer. I want to reuse the image for doing the extrapolation. So is it possible ?
2) How can I use Neon to do so wrt my above code ?
After Changing the code according to PaulR pseudo code ,I am getting some strange results :
Editing My question for run time issues during fixing the border
My Input :
221 220 221 223 230 233 234 235 ..
71 73 70 70 92 130 141 143 ..
I want to this operation to get destination :
-1*v_m1_m1 + 0*v_m1_0 + 1*v_m1_p1
-1*v_0_m1 + 0*v_0_0 + 1*v_0_p1 ->V_OUT
-1*v_p1_m1 + 0*v_p1_0 + 1*v_p1_p1
after changing the code for border I am getting below valuse:
221 221 221 221 221 220 221 223 230 233 234 235
221 221 221 221 221 220 221 223 230 233 234 235
71 71 71 71 71 73 70 70 92 130 141 143
In scalar code if I want to calculate for 221 (@i,j =0,0) ,With border it is looking like this :
221 221 220
221 221 220
71 71 73
But with vectorization in Neon ,I am getting which is wrong
v_m1_m1.0 v_m1_0.1 v_m1_p1.2
v_0_m1.0 v_0_0.1 v_0_p1.2
v_p1_m1.0 v_p1_0.1 v_p1_p1.2
221 221 230
221 221 230
71 71 92
my pseudo code:
for i = 0 to nrows - 1
// init row pointers
p_row_m1 = src + src_width * MAX(i-1, 0); // pointing to minus1 row
p_row_0 = src + src_width * i; // pointing to current row
p_row_p1 = src + src_width * MIN(i+1, src_width-1); // pointing to plus1 row
v_m1_m1 = vdupq_n_u32(p_row_m1[0]); // fill left vector from src[i-1][0]
v_0_m1 = vdupq_n_u32(p_row_0[0]); // fill left vector from src[i][0]
v_p1_m1 = vdupq_n_u32(p_row_p1[0]); // fill left vector from src[i+1][0]
v_m1_0 = vld1q_u32(&p_row_m1[0]); // load center vector from src[i-1][0..7]
v_0_0 = vld1q_u32(&p_row_0[0]); // load center vector from src[i][0..7]
v_p1_0 = vld1q_u32(&p_row_p1[0]); // load center vector from src[i+1][0..7]
for j = 0 to (ncols - 4) step 4 // assuming 4 elements per SIMD vector
v_m1_p1 = vld1q_u32(&p_row_m1[j+4]); // load right vector from src[i-1][0..7]
v_0_p1 = vld1q_u32(&p_row_0[j+4]); // load right vector from src[i][0..7]
v_p1_p1 = vld1q_u32(&p_row_p1[j+4]); // load right vector from src[i+1][0..7]
// you now have a 3x3 arrangement of vectors on which
// you can perform a neighbourhood operation and generate
// 16 output pixels for the current iteration:
// v_m1_m1 v_m1_0 v_m1_p1
// v_0_m1 v_0_0 v_0_p1
// v_p1_m1 v_p1_0 v_p1_p1
// |
// V
// v_out
vst1q_s32(v_out, &image_out[i][j]) // store output vector at image_out[i][j..j+15]
// shuffle vectors so that we can use them on next iteration
v_m1_m1 = v_m1_0
v_m1_0 = v_m1_p1
v_0_m1 = v_0_0
v_0_0 = v_0_p1
v_p1_m1 = v_p1_0
v_p1_0 = v_p1_p1
// for final iteration we need to handle right edge pixels...
v_m1_p1 = vdupq_n_u32(p_row_m1[ncols-1]) // fill right vector from image[i-1][ncols-1]
v_0_p1 = vdupq_n_u32(p_row_0[ncols-1]) // fill right vector from image[i][ncols-1]
v_p1_p1 = vdupq_n_u32(p_row_p1[ncols-1]) // fill right vector from image[i+1][ncols-1]
// calculate v_out as above
vst1q_s32(v_out, &image_out[i][j]) // store output vector at image_out[i][ncols_16..ncols-1]
Here is some pseudo code for performing a 3x3 neighbourhood operation using SIMD with replicated edge pixels. Input image is image[nrows][ncols]
, output image is image_out[nrows][ncols]
for i = 0 to nrows - 1
// init row pointers
p_row_m1 = &image[max(i-1, 0)][0] // pointer to start of row i-1
p_row_0 = &image[i][0] // pointer to start of row i
p_row_p1 = &image[min(i+1, ncols-1)][0] // pointer to start of row i+1
v_m1_m1 = init_vec(p_row_m1[0]) // fill left vector from image[i-1][0]
v_0_m1 = init_vec(p_row_0[0]) // fill left vector from image[i][0]
v_p1_m1 = init_vec(p_row_p1[0]) // fill left vector from image[i+1][0]
v_m1_0 = load_vec(&p_row_m1[0]) // load centre vector from image[i-1][0..15]
v_0_0 = load_vec(&p_row_0[0]) // load centre vector from image[i][0..15]
v_p1_0 = load_vec(&p_row_p1[0]) // load centre vector from image[i+1][0..15]
for j = 0 to (ncols - 16) step 16 // assuming 16 elements per SIMD vector
v_m1_p1 = load_vec(&p_row_m1[j+16]) // load right vector from image[i-1][0..15]
v_0_p1 = load_vec(&p_row_0[j+16]) // load right vector from image[i][0..15]
v_p1_p1 = load_vec(&p_row_p1[j+16]) // load right vector from image[i+1][0..15]
// you now have a 3x3 arrangement of vectors on which
// you can perform a neighbourhood operation and generate
// 16 output pixels for the current iteration:
// v_m1_m1 v_m1_0 v_m1_p1
// v_0_m1 v_0_0 v_0_p1
// v_p1_m1 v_p1_0 v_p1_p1
// |
// V
// v_out
store_vec(v_out, &image_out[i][j]) // store output vector at image_out[i][j..j+15]
// shuffle vectors so that we can use them on next iteration
v_m1_m1 = v_m1_0
v_m1_0 = v_m1_p1
v_0_m1 = v_0_0
v_0_0 = v_0_p1
v_p1_m1 = v_p1_0
v_p1_0 = v_p1_p1
// for final iteration we need to handle right edge pixels...
v_m1_p1 = init_vec(p_row_m1[ncols-1]) // fill right vector from image[i-1][ncols-1]
v_0_p1 = init_vec(p_row_0[ncols-1]) // fill right vector from image[i][ncols-1]
v_p1_p1 = init_vec(p_row_p1[ncols-1]) // fill right vector from image[i+1][ncols-1]
// calculate v_out as above
store_vec(v_out, &image_out[i][j]) // store output vector at image_out[i][ncols_16..ncols-1]
Note that this assumes 16 pixels per vector and also that ncols
is a multiple of 16.