I want to add an ID (GUID) to the exception and:
- Log it
- Return it to the client json response
Where should I generate this log ID value and add it to the exception message that is logged. And where to change the following default response?
"targetUrl": null,
"result": null,
"success": false,
"error": {
"message": "An internal error occurred during your request!",
"details": "..."
"unAuthorizedRequest": false
I am using .NET Core version.
If you want to disable displaying the message for a particular AJAX call, add abpHandleError: false
into the abp.ajax options.
Or you can disable the default behavior of the framework exception wrapper
public class PeopleController : AbpController
[WrapResult(WrapOnSuccess = false, WrapOnError = false)]
public JsonResult SavePerson(SavePersonModel person)
//TODO: save new person to database and return new person's id
return Json(new {PersonId = 42});
Another thing is; you can send exception details to the client by the below configuration
using Abp.Web.Configuration;
public override void PreInitialize()
Configuration.Modules.AbpWebCommon().SendAllExceptionsToClients = true;
Result Wrapping & Exception Handling:
ASP.NET Boilerplate does not wrap Web API actions by default if an action has successfully executed. It, however, handles and wraps exceptions. You can add the WrapResult/DontWrapResult attributes to actions and controllers for finer control. You can change this default behavior from the startup configuration (using Configuration.Modules.AbpWebApi()...). See the AJAX document for more info about result wrapping.
Wrapping Results
ASP.NET Boilerplate wraps the return values of dynamic Web API actions using an AjaxResponse object. See the ajax documentation for more information on wrapping. You can enable/disable wrapping per method or per application service. See this example application service:
public interface ITestAppService : IApplicationService
DoItOutput DoIt(DoItInput input);
Lastly you can write your own ResultWrapperHandler...
public class CustomResultWrapperHandler : ResultWrapperHandler, ITransientDependency
protected override void WrapResultIfNeeded(HttpRequestMessage request, HttpResponseMessage response)
base.WrapResultIfNeeded(request, response);