Problem with matching setup in Moq

非 Y 不嫁゛ 提交于 2019-12-14 02:20:18


I've been using Moq for the past week or so and haven't had any issues until today. I'm having a problem with getting VerifyAll() to properly match the setup of my mock.

I'm currently writing unit tests for my application's API. Here's how the application is structured:

API <==> Service <==> DAO <==> Database

With this in mind, I'm mocking the service object and then constructing an API object using the mocked service. I've written a number of unit tests already without problem up until now.

I have two instance variables like this:

private Api _api;
private Mock<IHibernateService> mockService;

I initialize these in a setup method:

public void DoSetupTasks()
    mockService = new Mock<IHibernateService>();
    _api = new Api(mockService.Object);

Here is the unit test that is failing:

    public void TestSearchOnAllProperties()
            .Setup(service => service.LoadAll(It.IsAny<Type>()))
            .Returns(new DomainBase[0]);

        var dmbs = _api.SearchOnAllProperties("search term", typeof(DomainBase));


The API's SearchOnAllProperties() method will subsequently make a call to the service's LoadAll() method (with some additional logic of course), so I want to verify that it's being called properly. To clarify, here's how LoadAll() is being called in SearchOnAllProperties():

public IEnumerable<DomainBase> SearchOnAllProperties(string searchTerm, Type type)
    foreach (DomainBase dmb in _hibernateService.LoadAll(type))
        // additional logic

However, when I run the unit test, I get a MockVerificationException stating that the given setup was not matched. I cannot figure out why as it should be calling the service's LoadAll() method.


One possible cause is that at some point before this particular test method is called, mockService is being assigned to a new instance of Mock<IHibernateService>. If that is the case, then this test method would be calling Setup on the wrong instance, which would then produce this exception.

A quick way to test this would be to use local mockService and api variables and see if the test still fails:

public void TestSearchOnAllProperties()
    var localMockService = new Mock<IHibernateService>();
    var localApi = new Api(localMockService.Object);

        .Setup(service => service.LoadAll(It.IsAny<Type>()))
        .Returns(new DomainBase[0]);

    var dmbs = localApi.SearchOnAllProperties("search term", typeof(DomainBase));



