I have an object that maps IDs to their objects. I would like to display the list of these object and use a filter, but I cannot get it to work. Specifically, I'm trying to prevent object with ID 2 from appearing in the options Here's what I've got: http://jsfiddle.net/9d2Za/
<div ng-app ng-controller="ctrl">
<select ng-model="selectedBidType"
ng-options="bidType.id as bidType.label for (bidTypeID, bidType) in bidTypes">
<select ng-model="selectedBidType"
ng-options="bidType.id as bidType.label for (bidTypeID, bidType) in bidTypes | filter:{id: '!2'}">
Please note: I cannot change the structure of the bidTypes
object in whatever fix we come up with. Here's my AngularJS:
function ctrl($scope)
$scope.selectedBidType = 1;
// Bid type objects are indexed by ID for fast lookup (this cannot be changed in solution)
$scope.bidTypes = {
1: {id: 1, label: "Buy"},
2: {id: 2, label: "Sell"},
3: {id: 3, label: "Missing"}
As described by the documentation, the filter
filter only accepts an array as first parameter, not an object. In such cases, I personally use a custom filter to make the transformation:
function ()
return function (object)
var array = [];
angular.forEach(object, function (element)
return array;
And then, in the template:
<select ng-options="… in bidTypes | objectToArray | filter:{id:'!2'}">