I am sending newsletter like below with Springframework 3.
private void sendMail(Map<String,Object> mailInfo) throws Exception{
JavaMailSenderImpl mailSender = new JavaMailSenderImpl();
MimeMessage msg = mailSender.createMimeMessage();
MimeMessageHelper mHelper = new MimeMessageHelper(msg, true, "UTF-8");
mHelper.setFrom(new InternetAddress(
mailInfo.get("send_mail").toString(), mailInfo.get("send_name").toString()));
mHelper.setTo(new InternetAddress(
mailInfo.get("recv_mail").toString(), mailInfo.get("recv_name").toString()));
mHelper.setText(mailInfo.get("mail_desc").toString(), true);
In my case value of mail_desc
is an HTML(it has css and other resources). Mail goes well, but its CSS and all of images are broken.
I appended to all of src value like below in JSP
function getDomain(){
var DNS = location.href;
DNS = DNS.split('//');
DNS = 'http://' + DNS[1].substr(0,DNS[1].indexOf("/"));
return DNS;
So When I print this in browser console it returns localhost:8080/myApp/{image_src}
However, When I open with gmail it looks quite different. it looks like...
<img src="https://ci5.googleusercontent.com/proxy/FVJ1IBTWmX0l0KPlNQVY_AkDsCL02O2Y_kZS7KACQlnXgfgNvNQvjBKpn9zIdPH84N_r-ulunXvzlMCVUOWsMG1WCjfYUFVX7VpjJ5OV5RdpV2ReZFjM9Yw=s0-d-e1-ft#http://localhost:8080/resources/gtl_portal/images/newsletter/ci.png" alt="ci" class="CToWUd">
Now I got questions like below :
- How to implement newsletter in Normal? Where can I find some examples or references?(I think this can solve lots of problem here)
How to change value things looks like. it is quite tricky, since it is embedded in style attribute.:
<td height="50px" style="background:url('/resources/images/newsletter/top_bg.png') repeat-x 0 0;padding:15px">
Thanks a lot :D bb
You cant include your external css like you do normally , but you can prefer the way of wrapping the styles in the inline way (in <head>
tag). So something like this,
<p class='bigFont' >Hi , i am bigger </p>
so this looks separate instead adding style attribute to your tags , you can also avoid some code by resusing .
AFAIK , for adding inline images Spring framework has very good documentation. It is supported widely by mail clients, an example,
FileSystemResource res = new FileSystemResource(new File("c:/Sample.jpg"));
helper.addInline("identifier1234", res);
so that you can simply use it as <img src='cid:identifier1234'>
For advanced templating options you can integrate your web app with Apache velocity, a templating library