Every time i try to use console.log i get this kind of error.
ERROR: Unexpected console statement. [no-console] console.log(name + ' is a ' + age + ' years old ' + job + ' who is married ' + isMarried + ' . '); 36 ERROR: 'console' is not defined. [no-undef] console.log(name + ' is a ' + age + ' years old ' + job + ' who is married ' + isMarried + ' . '); 44 ERROR: Unexpected console statement. [no-console] console.log(name + ' is a ' + age + ' years old ' + job + ' who is married ' + isMarried + ' . '); 44 ERROR: 'console' is not defined. [no-undef] console.log(name + ' is a ' + age + ' years old ' + job + ' who is married ' + isMarried + ' . ');
What will be the error on this lines
Error Screenshot Here
After looking at the console error i see that this is related to the ESLint
so to prevent ESLint rules on console at global level you can add this rule on rules
object of your .eslintrc.json
"rules": {
"no-console": ["warning"],
Or for specific line of console
you can use /*eslint-disable*/
just above that line, like this
console.log('some text');
/*eslint-enable*/ //this will now enable eslint rules that follows this
It's a ESlint error for not using console.
You can disable it by changing this rule.
For specific line you can disable it with a comment:
console.log('test') // eslint-disable-line no-console
For the next line, it can be disabled with comment:
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
If you don't want to make change to .eslintrc file then add these two lines to disable it completely in the whole .js file:
/*global console*/
/* eslint no-console: "off" */
You can also change the default by going to the Brackets extension manager and scrolling down to ESLint and disable there for all files.
extension manager button
extensions window with disable button