I'm building a subscription for pages at a website. So a to-be subscriber post via a form and get added to a marketing list in Dynamics 365 Online.
From a scheduled job at the website i then make a request of the contacts in a marketing list.
Then i need to send them an email that a new page have been created with this properties and a link to that page.
So i would like to make that responsibility Dynamics 365 Online.
So im using the Web API and the action: SendEmailFromTemplate Not sure if i can use this action or if i need to create a custom action.
I would need to pass data such as URL of the page, title and Text. Or just one string - the body of the e-mail message that contains all of this.
So i have created an email template at the CRM and it semse like the code finds it!
This is the action i think i'm after: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt607523.aspx
If i check the documentation at the SOAP Service there is actually examples: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.crm.sdk.messages.sendemailfromtemplaterequest.aspx?cs-save-lang=1&
But i'm going with the Web API.
So i tried this:
dynamic regarding = new ExpandoObject();
var oppIndexer = regarding as IDictionary<string, Object>;
oppIndexer["contactid"] = contact.ContactId; //contact that will recive the
oppIndexer["@odata.type"] = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.contact";
dynamic target = new ExpandoObject();
var targetIndexer = target as IDictionary<string, Object>;
targetIndexer["torecipients"] = "myemail@outlook.com";
targetIndexer["sender"] = "mysecondemail@businessname.com";
targetIndexer["inreplyto"] = "mysecondemail@businessname.com";
targetIndexer["subject"] = "This is the subject";
targetIndexer["description"] = "This should be the body of the email";
targetIndexer["directioncode"] = true; //outgoing
targetIndexer["@odata.type"] = "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.email";
dynamic sendEmailFromTemplate = new ExpandoObject();
sendEmailFromTemplate.TemplateId = Guid.Parse("my-email-template-guid-inserted-here");
sendEmailFromTemplate.Regarding = regarding;
sendEmailFromTemplate.Target = target;
api.ExecuteAction("SendEmailFromTemplate", sendEmailFromTemplate);
But i get exception: "The e-mail must have at least one recipient before it can be sent" when i post it.
What might be the problem?
I think the documentation at: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt607523.aspx
Just declare that the type for target and regarding should be of type "crmbaseentity". A base class...
Anyone know what might cause this?
This is the Email Entity: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt608007.aspx
For the field "torecipients" one could read: "Shows the email addresses corresponding to the recipients". So i'm not sure this is the field i should use. If the text would be "The recipients with "," separator that will recive the message" i would be more certain that i would have to use this field.
Update: Okey, so this is what you posted:
"email_activity_parties": [
{ "partyid_systemuser@odata.bind": "/systemusers(852a441c-b544-e611-80e3-c4346bc5e750)", "participationtypemask": 1 },
{ "partyid_systemuser@odata.bind": "/systemusers(852a441c-b544-e611-80e3-c4346bc5e750)", "participationtypemask": 2 }
"description": "description lorem ipsum",
"subject": "rubrik",
"regardingobjectid_opportunity_email@odata.bind": "/opportunities(e9e6eb64-9c4c-e611-80e4-c4346bc58294)"
If i would to change this so it suits my need. I dont think im going to be using opportunities. Or must i? There are three parameters for SendEmailFromTemplate Action: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/mt607523.aspx TemplateId, Regarding and Target. I changed this code a bit below (untested)
"TemplateId": "id-for-email-template",
"Regarding": [ { "contactid@odata.bind": "/contacts(contact-guid-X)" } ],
"Target": {
"email_activity_parties": [
{ "partyid_systemuser@odata.bind": "/systemusers(systemuser-guid-Y)", "participationtypemask": 1 }, //1 is "sender"
{ "contactid@odata.bind": "/contacts(contact-guid-X)", "participationtypemask": 2 } // 2 is "to"
"description": "description lorem ipsum",
"subject": "rubrik",
"contactid@odata.bind": "/contacts(contact-guid-X)"
I will try out something like this..
Email is an activity, all activities will be split into Activity Pointer + Activity Party. What you have to do is put the same contact you are using for regardingobject
into toParty
as well.
//create activityparty
Entity Fromparty = new Entity("activityparty");
Entity Toparty = new Entity("activityparty");
//To set to Contact
Toparty["partyid"]= new EntityReference("contact", _ contactid));
//From set to User
Fromparty["partyid"]= new EntityReference("systemuser", _From));
//create email Object and set attributes
Entity email = new Entity("email");
email["from"] = new Entity[] { Fromparty };
email["to"] = new Entity[] { Toparty };
email["directioncode"] = true;
//setting the Regarding as Contact
email["regardingobjectid"] = new EntityReference("contact", _contactid);
Ignore torecipients
field, use to
Error The e-mail must have at least one recipient before it can be sent
will go away.
We have to use navigation property in terms of web api.
//Create email
var email = new JObject(
new JProperty("email_activity_parties",
new JArray(
new JObject(
new JProperty("partyid_systemuser@odata.bind", "/systemusers (<guid>)"),
new JProperty("participationtypemask", 1)),
new JObject(
new JProperty("partyid_systemuser@odata.bind", "/systemusers(<guid>)"),
new JProperty("participationtypemask", 2)))),
new JProperty("description", txtEmail.Text.Replace("\r\n","<br>")),
new JProperty("subject", "Test Subject"),
new JProperty("regardingobjectid_opportunity_email@odata.bind", "/opportunities(<guid>)"));