Can't connect to localhost database from node.js server

久未见 提交于 2019-12-13 12:32:31


Been having a lot of trouble trying to connect to to my localhost database. I've tried using the mysql and mysql-simple node modules but in both cases I just can't get it to connect.

Here's what I used with the 'mysql' module:

var mysql = require('mysql');
var connection = mysql.createConnection({
  host     : 'localhost',
  port     : '8000',
  user     : 'uber',
  password : 'pass',

connection.connect(function(err) {
      if (err) throw err;

      console.log('Connection Successful');

connection.query('USE someDB', function(err) {
  if (err) throw err;

  console.log('Query Successful');

And here' what I used with the 'mysql-simple' module:

var database = require('mysql-simple');
database.init('uber', 'pass', 'mysql', 'localhost', 8000);

database.querySingle('SELECT Host FROM user', function(err, results) {
    if (err) {
        console.log('error fetching some active users: ' + err);
    log('Query Successful');
    for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++)
        console.log('got active user ' + results[i]);

In both cases, when I run my node.js server, it never logs that its connected. I've tried replacing localhost with '127.0.01' and creating a new user to make sure the password is correct, but to no avail. Why isn't it connecting?



It's most likely that networking is turned off, that means that mysql server communicates with clients via UNIX sockets and not via TCP/IP. You can check that out running mysql client and run "status" command. If you see port number there, then your mysql server communicates via TCP/IP, or else you'll see something like "socket pathname…", get the pathname and give it to node.js connection parameters, e.g.

... socketPathname: '/opt/lampp/var/...', ...

Check that out in page (search for "socketPathname")

Hope, that's your problem.


change this

database.init('uber', 'pass', 'mysql', 'localhost', 8000);


database.init('uber', 'pass', 'mysql', 'localhost', 3306);

and you should be through


Make sure that MySQL and express are running on the same port. I had MySQL bundled from XAMPP, that ran on Port 3036. On setting app.listen to 3036, my code worked. FINALLY!


You should use mysql_config to show the path to socket.
This a sample on my MAC

QuyLes-MacBook-Pro:freelancer quyle$ mysql_config
Usage: /Applications/MAMP/Library/bin/mysql_config [OPTIONS]
        --cflags         [-I/Applications/MAMP/Library/include -fno-omit-frame-pointer   -g -DNDEBUG]
        --include        [-I/Applications/MAMP/Library/include]
        --libs           [-L/Applications/MAMP/Library/lib  -lmysqlclient  -lz]
        --libs_r         [-L/Applications/MAMP/Library/lib   -lmysqlclient_r  -lz]
        --plugindir      [/Applications/MAMP/Library/lib/plugin]
        --socket         [/Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock]
        --port           [0]
        --version        [5.5.42]
        --libmysqld-libs [-L/Applications/MAMP/Library/lib  -lmysqld]
        --variable=VAR   VAR is one of:
                pkgincludedir [/Applications/MAMP/Library/include]
                pkglibdir     [/Applications/MAMP/Library/lib]
                plugindir     [/Applications/MAMP/Library/lib/plugin]

and then, you add key socketPath for yourMysqlConnection.
bellow on my sample

MysqlServer: {
     adapter: 'sails-mysql',
     host: 'localhost',
     user: 'root', //optional
     password: 'root', //optional
     database: 'nodejs', //optional,
     socketPath: '/Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock'    


Try this code it's work for me

var mysql = require('mysql');

var connection = mysql.createConnection(
      host     : 'localhost',
      user     : 'root',
      password : '',
      database : 'urdatabase',


query = connection.query("SELECT * FROM UrTable;");
    .on('error', function(err) {
        console.log( err );

    .on('result', function( data ) {

I hope this will be helpful for you

