I have this one level tree situation:
<select ng-model="tipost"
ng-options="tip.DESC group by tip.TIPIS for tip in tipall"><br>
where the json is:
{"ID":"1", "IDPARENT":"0", "TIPIS":"", "DESC":"GroupName1"},
{"ID":"2", "IDPARENT":"1", "TIPIS":"GroupName1", "DESC":"CHILDNAME1"},
{"ID":"3", "IDPARENT":"0", "TIPIS":"", "DESC":"GroupName2"}
the problem is that this creates the optgroups with their children but repeats
the roots too:
- GroupName1
- GroupName2
[ GroupName1 ]
[ GroupName2 ]
i want to produce:
[ GroupName1 ]
[ GroupName2 ]
The grouping doesn't quite work like that, if you change your json to something like this:
{"ID":"1", "TIPIS":"GroupName1", "DESC":"name"},
{"ID":"2", "TIPIS":"GroupName1", "DESC":"name1"},
{"ID":"3", "TIPIS":"GroupName2", "DESC":"name2"},
{"ID":"4", "TIPIS":"GroupName1", "DESC":"name3"},
Then you'll get the grouping the way you want
jsFiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/rtCP3/182/
The simple drop down that can display items with and without groups, and also you can set some items as disabled: Here is plunk: https://plnkr.co/edit/uhsn4lmzssi6rrijPEAp?p=preview
<select ng-model="ddl.selected"
ng-options="item.id as item.text group by item.groupName disable when item.enabled===false for item in ddl.items"></select>
I was searching for same question and found better answer. One can use function to return data as he needs, like in query below getGarageName
ng-options="car.id as car.name + ' (' + car.color + ')' group by getGarageName(car.garageId) for car in cars"
// this is the data
cars = [
{"id": 1, "name": "Diablo", "color": "red", "garageId": 1},
{"id": 2, "name": "Countach", "color": "white", "garageId": 1},
{"id": 3, "name": "Clio", "color": "silver", "garageId": 2},
garages = [
{"id": 1, "name": "Super Garage Deluxe"},
{"id": 2, "name": "Toms Eastside"},