While executing, I get the error at this location.XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(BuildIsoMessage.Properties.Resources.Deneme);
//I Get the document from resources in this way.
` GenericPackager packager = new GenericPackager(doc.ToString());`
An unhandled exception of type 'org.jpos.iso.ISOException' occurred in jpos.dll.Additional information: Error reading <!DOCTYPE isopackager PUBLIC "-//jPOS/jPOS Generic Packager DTD 1.0//EN" "http://jpos.org/dtd/generic-packager-1.0.dtd"[]>
I am trying to build an ISO Message in c#. I converted Jar files into one dll file and using some of the namespaces
using org.jpos.util;
using org.jpos.iso;
using org.jpos.iso.channel;
using org.jpos.iso.packager;
however I can not pack my xml file, it throws an error.
Jpos dll worked fine when provided path like below
GenericValidatingPackager packager = new GenericValidatingPackager(); packager.readFile("c:/isoxml/iso8583binary.xml");
This is too simple to use a 3rd party dll. Use xml linq :
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Linq;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
const string FILENAME = @"c:\temp\test.xml";
static void Main(string[] args)
string xmlHeader =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>" +
"<!DOCTYPE isopackager PUBLIC" +
" \"-//jPOS/jPOS Generic Packager DTD 1.0//EN\"" +
" \"http://jpos.org/dtd/generic-packager-1.0.dtd\" >" +
"<!-- ISO 8583:1987 (ASCII) field descriptions for GenericPackager -->" +
"<isopackager>" +
XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(xmlHeader);
XElement isoPackager = doc.Descendants("isopackager").FirstOrDefault();
List<IsoField> isoFields = new List<IsoField>() {
new IsoField() { id= 0, length= 4, name="MESSAGE TYPE INDICATOR", cClass = "org.jpos.iso.IFA_NUMERIC"},
new IsoField() { id= 1, length= 16, name="BIT MAP", cClass= "org.jpos.iso.IFA_BITMAP"},
new IsoField() { id= 2, length= 19, name="PAN - PRIMARY ACCOUNT NUMBER", cClass= "org.jpos.iso.IFA_LLNUM"}
foreach (IsoField isofield in isoFields)
isoPackager.Add(new XElement("isofield", new object[] {
new XElement("id", isofield.id),
new XElement("length", isofield.length),
new XElement("name", isofield.name),
new XElement("class", isofield.cClass)
public class IsoField
public int id {get; set;}
public int length { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public string cClass { get; set; }