Can anyone suggest me a VBscript function to get the last 3 lines of a text document (for eg: log.txt ? Below is my code which can fetch and display the entire log on my screen but I want to get only last 3 lines of the log file named log.txt.
<script type="text/Vbscript">
Option Explicit
Dim File
File = "C:\\test.txt"
Sub LoadMyFile()
myDiv.innerHTML = LoadFile(File)
End Sub
Function LoadFile(File)
On Error Resume Next
Dim fso,F,ReadMe,Tab,i,paragraphe
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set F = fso.OpenTextFile(File,1)
LoadFile = Err.Number
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox Err.Description,16," Error"
Exit Function
End If
ReadMe = F.ReadAll
Tab = split(ReadMe,vbcrlf)
For i = lbound(Tab) to ubound(Tab)
paragraphe=paragraphe & Tab(i) & "<br>"
LoadFile = paragraphe
End Function
Code not working@Steve
<script type="text/Vbscript">
Option Explicit
Dim File
File = "C:\\test.txt"
Sub LoadMyFile()
myDiv.innerHTML = LoadFile(File)
End Sub
Function CheckProcesses()
dim startLine
On Error Resume Next
Dim fso,F,ReadMe,Tab,i,paragraphe
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set F = fso.OpenTextFile(File,1)
LoadFile = Err.Number
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox Err.Description,16," Error"
Exit Function
End If
ReadMe = F.ReadAll
Tab = split(ReadMe,vbcrlf)
For i = lbound(Tab) to ubound(Tab)
paragraphe=paragraphe & Tab(i) & "<br>"
if ubound(Tab) > 2 Then
startLine = ubound(Tab) - 2
startLine = 0
end if
For i = startLine to ubound(Tab)
paragraphe=paragraphe & Tab(i) & "<br>"
LoadFile = paragraphe
End Function
<input type="button" name="Log" id="Start" value="Log Dctm" onclick="CheckProcesses()"></html>
Thanks and regards Deb
Given an array of lines (Tab), the last n lines to display start from UBound(Tab) - n + 1 and end with UBound(Tab). You should test for 'less than n lines in Tab' and for 'is last line of Tab empty (trailing EOL)'.
Another solution that avoids memory exhaustion with large files:
filename = "C:\path\to\your.txt"
numlines = 3
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'create and initialize ring buffer
ReDim buf(numlines-1)
For n = 0 To UBound(buf)
buf(n) = Null
i = 0
'read lines into ring buffer
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(filename)
Do Until f.AtEndOfStream
buf(i) = f.ReadLine
i = (i+1) Mod numlines
'output ringbuffer content (skip null values)
For n = 1 To numlines
If Not IsNull(buf(i)) Then WScript.Echo buf(i)
i = (i+1) Mod numlines
The array buf
in combination with the index variable i
and the modulo operation serves as a ring buffer containing the last lines read from the file (numlines
at most).
At the end of the second loop (the one reading the input file), the index i
points towards the array field after the one containing the last line read from the file, i.e. the beginning of the buffer.
The Null
values from the array initialization let the output routine "slide" to the first content line (or the end of the buffer) if less than numlines
lines were read from the file. The variable n
in the output loop is just a counter so that the numlines
elements from the ring buffer are read starting at index i
and ending at index i-1
(modulo wrapping).
I am not able to test this, but If you know the UBound
of the variable Tab
, then the last three lines are UBound(tab)-2
, UBound(tab)-1
and UBound(tab)
For i = ubound(Tab) - 2 to ubound(Tab)
paragraphe=paragraphe & Tab(i) & "<br>"
Of course this requires that you have at least 3 lines in your log file, so, perhaps a little check should be done before entering the loop
dim startLine
if ubound(Tab) > 2 Then
startLine = ubound(Tab) - 2
startLine = 0
end if
For i = startLine to ubound(Tab)
paragraphe=paragraphe & Tab(i) & "<br>"
Another solution
You can use this function :
Function ExtractLinesFromTextFile(ByRef TextFile, ByRef FromLine, ByRef ToLine)
Option Explicit
Dim Title,FromLine,ToLine,fso,Readfile,strBuff,InputFile,TotalNbLines
Title = "Extract Lines From TextFile © Hackoo 2014"
InputFile = "c:\test.txt"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Readfile = Fso.OpenTextFile(InputFile,1)
strBuff = Readfile.ReadAll
TotalNbLines = Readfile.Line
MsgBox "The total number of lines in this file """& InputFile &""" = "& TotalNbLines,VbInformation,Title
'To extract the 3 last lines
MsgBox ExtractLinesFromTextFile(InputFile,TotalNbLines - 2,TotalNbLines),64,Title
Public Function ExtractLinesFromTextFile(ByRef TextFile, ByRef FromLine, ByRef ToLine) '<-- Inclusive
Const TristateUseDefault = -2 'To Open the file using the system default.
On Error Resume Next
If FromLine <= ToLine Then
With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").OpenTextFile(TextFile,1,true,TristateUseDefault)
If Err.number <> 0 Then
MsgBox err.description,16,err.description
Exit Function
Do Until .Line = FromLine Or .AtEndOfStream
Do Until .Line > ToLine Or .AtEndOfStream
ExtractLinesFromTextFile = ExtractLinesFromTextFile & (.ReadLine & vbNewLine)
End If
End With
MsgBox "Error to Read Line in TextFile", vbCritical,"Error to Read Line in TextFile"
End If
End Function