Reliable way to ensure a Go channel does not block

风流意气都作罢 提交于 2019-12-13 08:24:28


I'm looking for a reliable to way to make sure an empty channel in Go does not block my execution. I have to iterate through a number of channels in a particular order (kind of priorities), and once I find one with items in it, read one.

Currently I do something in a similar way:

if len(myChannel) > 0 {
    // Possible issue here: length could have changed to 0 making this blocking
    elm := <- myChannel
    return elm

In theory this could result into too-long of waiting, while a different channel might have an item which is ready to be "served".

Any suggestions on how to improve? I could use a mutex in the channel, but it feels like there's a better solution although I'm not sure how.


There is a reflect.Select function that might do what you want:

package main

import (

func main() {
    a, b, c := make(chan int), make(chan int), make(chan int)
    go func() {
        time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
        a <- 1
    go func() {
        b <- 2
    go func() {
        time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)
        c <- 3
    for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
        chosen, recv, ok := reflect.Select([]reflect.SelectCase{
                Dir:  reflect.SelectRecv,
                Chan: reflect.ValueOf(a),
                Dir:  reflect.SelectRecv,
                Chan: reflect.ValueOf(b),
                Dir:  reflect.SelectRecv,
                Chan: reflect.ValueOf(c),
        if ok {
            fmt.Printf("Got value %d from %d\n", recv.Interface().(int), chosen)


I'm not sure this really answers the question "Is there a reliable way to ensure a Go channel does not block". In the OP's use case, it's OK if a recv blocks /so long as no other channel in the set would not block/, and that's what the accepted solution implements. This is different from "ensure the recv does not block", and I see no way around the fundamental limitation of the race condition OP points out.

